Part 19

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Thea's PoV

     In the morning, I was woken up by someone outside of my door. Then, whoever it was, moved to the stairs. I just figured it was Carl so I took my time getting ready. That was until I heard multiple voices; way more than the ones who actually lived here. 

     I hurried out of my room to see our group gathered a man who was sitting on the top step of the stairs, holding a picture that was previously hung the wall. Carl stood above him, reluctantly holstering his gun. Rick was pulling a shirt over his head as quickly as possible. I looked between him and a disheveled Michonne. I hid the smiled on my face, knowing this was a serious moment, but I couldn't help but be happy about the thought of them finally being together. 

"You wanted to talk? Let's talk," Rick told the man.

    We held a group meeting in the kitchen. I ignored all of Carl's attempts to be close to me and stood by Daryl the whole time. 

   Basically, the new guy, who's real name is Paul, but his friends call him Jesus, has a large community and wants us to go there and talk trade. I could tell just by looking at him that he had to be holed up somewhere. He was to clean and well kept to be a loner. Even with his long hair and beard, I knew he had to live somewhere nice. Either way, Rick agreed to go with him. 


   Rick pulled the R.V around and parked it in front of his house. With the help of Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, Abraham, Carl, and I the R.V was packed with our needed supplies quickly. When Rick put the last bag in, he turned to Carl.

"I was going to tell you about Michonne and I, but it just happend. Just happened. Last night," he said softly, a worried expression on his face. Carl beamed. 

"It's cool." 

"Alright, grab your bag and let's go," Rick told him, about to turn around and get in the R.V. Carl stayed put. 

"I'm not going. I'm gonna stay back and keep this place safe. Besides, a kid with a messed up face probably wouldn't make the best first impression," he smiled. My heart dropped a little at his words. He was so nonchalant about them, but I could tell that he was still secretly upset. Rick nodded and turned, noticing me watching from a small distance away. 

"Are you coming?" he asked. I didn't even look at Carl, knowing he'd be silently telling me not to go. I had already made my decision during the meeting.

"Yeah, I'm going," I said firmly. Rick nodded again and finally took his place in the drivers seat. I was about to get in the back when I felt a hand on my arm, pulling me back. 

"Why are you going?" Carl asked from behind me. 

"Because right now, I can't stand to be around you. And I want to find out about who this Jesus guy really is," I said in a monotone voice. He sighed and thankfully dropped his hand.

"So, you're going to leave. There's a chance you might not come back. You're such a hypocrite," he muttered in frustration. I shook my head and sighed. 

"You're inside the walls and I'm with your dad and the rest of the group. We're safe. This time is different, and you know it," I growled softly. I didn't want anyone inside the vehicle to hear our little argument. He was quiet, proving my point.

"I'll be back. Don't worry about me," I sighed and headed inside without looking back at him. I knew if I did, I wouldn't be able to actually leave. I took a seat next to Daryl. Michonne glanced back at me with a sympathetic look on her face. I don't think she knew what happened, but my solemn expression was probably a dead give away.

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