Part 25

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Thea's PoV

      It didn't take long for Rick to return. He knew he was needed here the most right now. He told everyone that Morgan would continue the search for Carol on his own. He was convinced that Morgan would fulfill his duty, and the both of them would come back safe and sound. 

    Today was the day that Maggie and Enid invited me over. I stepped up the front door and knocked a couple of times. Within moments, Maggie opened the door. I could already see the weight of her worry taking a toll on her. Her eyes were dull, and her muscles were tense. She thought she could fool everyone with the smile that spread across her lips. 

     Maggie took a seat in front of Enid who was preparing a small space, so she could work on Maggie's hair. I sat in a chair to Maggie's left. The three of us made small talk, trying desperately to take our minds off of the impending doom we were sure to face with Negan's men. 

     Long story short, no pun intended, Enid cut Maggie's hair extremely short. Maggie seemed pleased with the new style.

"I like it, but why?" Enid asked, looking at Maggie's reflection as she admired her hair in a hand held mirror. 

"I have to keep going. And I don't want anything getting in my way," she smiles sadly. It was quiet for a moment as Enid and I processed her words. That's when Maggie grimaced and gasped lightly. 

"Man...did I cut it too short? I-I only used to cut my dad's," Enid stuttered worriedly as she watched Maggie. Enid's eyes flicked to mine nervously. 

"No, it's not that," she whispered in what sounded like pain. Her breathing picked up slightly.

"Maggie?" I asked concerned. She calmed for a split second before she cried out in pain. She dropped the mirror and doubled over, clutching her stomach. 

"Mag-Maggie!" I yelled, jumping up as she started falling to the floor. Enid and I bent over her, trying to figure out what to do, while she continued to cry out. 

"Go! Get help!" Enid demanded as she continued to try and comfort Maggie. I nodded and ran out the front door. 

"Rick! Someone! Anyone!" I screamed out, running down the road, trying to spot anyone that could possible help. Several people emerged from their homes with confused expressions, but only one person really caught my attention. Rick had heard me and met me halfway.

"What happened?" he asked hurriedly. I inhaled sharply, trying to slow my breathing and erratic heart beat. 

"It's Maggie. Something's happening to her. She needs help!" I rushed out breathlessly. Rick nodded and sprinted back the way I came without another word. I bent over and placed my hands on my knees, taking in deep breaths. I hadn't had that much exercise in weeks, with my body still healing and all. I shook my head, the only thing that could possibly calm me down, was knowing that Maggie was okay. 

    After a few minutes, I decided to go back to Maggie's house. On my way, I met up with a recovered Eugene, Abraham, Carl, Sasha, and Michonne. Carl gripped my hand tightly, but I barely acknowledged once I saw Rick's grim face as he leaned over an unconscious Maggie. He had moved her into her bed so, she could be more comfortable. 

"She needs a doctor and quick too. I say Hilltop is out best option," Rick told us all. It seemed as though the entire gathered group agreed simultaneously. We all knew we couldn't lose Maggie and her baby. 


   I was ready to shoot Carl in the leg. Enough to wound him, but not kill him, because even though he was pissing me off, I still loved him. Carl, Enid, and I are currently in the armory, preparing guns, so we could head to Hilltop. Except Carl had it in his head that Enid and I weren't going. 

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