Part 11

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Thea's PoV

      When I woke up the next morning, Carl wasn't in bed. I frowned slightly, but got up anyway. I decided to stay in Carl's house until I went home, because I did not want to put on my dirty, blood stained clothes from last night.

      I groggily walked into the living a found Rick, Michonne, and Carol were bustling about already. This was something I was going to have to get used to. Maybe I should try to get up earlier to, so I can help out. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to Carol.

"Have you seen Carl this morning?" I asked. She glanced over my choice of clothes and smiled.

"He left to go get something. He should be back any minute," she told me. I nodded and as if on cue, Carl walked through the front door. I happily walked over to him and took his hat from his head to place it on mine.

"You look hot in my hat. My clothes to," he said lowly, so no one would hear. I felt my cheeks heat up, so I hurriedly changed the subject.

"Carol said you went out to get something. What'd you get?" I asked. He chuckled and handed my a familiar bag. It was the bag I usually take on runs outside of Alexandria. I gave him a confused look and peeked inside. It was filled with my clothes.

"I, um, went to your house. I wanted to get you some clean clothes so you didn't have to wear the ones from yesterday," he said sheepishly. I nodded.

"Thanks, Carl. You're the best," I told him truthfully. I slung the bag over my shoulders and pecked him on the cheek before heading upstairs to change. I looked into the bag and it looked like he just went through my drawers and picked out anything that would show the most skin. I rolled my eyes. He's such a boy.

      In the end, I put on a pair of frayed shorts and a tank top. I brushed my hair and replaced Carl's hat on my head. It was a little big, but I liked wearing it. When I walked back down the stairs, Carl was saying goodbye to Rick. I waited until he left to approach Carl.

"Where's he going?" I asked. He shrugged and looked over my appearance. He sent me a wink before replying.

"Him and Morgan are going outside the walls to bury Pete's body," he informed me.

"Who's Morgan?" I asked curiously. He smiled.

"He's the other guy that showed up with Daryl and Aaron last night. He's known my dad since the beginning," he told me. I nodded absorbing the information.

"So, what are we doing today?" He grinned and put his hands on my waist.

"Absolutely nothing," he smirked. I laughed quietly and glanced at Carol and Michonne.

"Well, hopefully we won't be standing in the living room all day. That would  get awkward," I smiled. His eyes widened, and he suddenly realized that we were still standing in front of the door. He took his hands off me and blushed in embarrassment.

"You're right. My room it is," he said smugly. He grabbed my hand and lead me back to his bedroom. Once we entered, he slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Someone's eager," I teased. He rolled his eyes. He stepped up to me and firmly grasped my hips. I grabbed the front of his shirt to bring him closer to me. He smirked and finally leaned down to kiss me. He didn't try to take things slow this time. I'm guessing all those times of us getting interrupted pissed him off more than he let on.

     I didn't try to protest when he ran his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entrance. Our tongues explored each others mouths and fought for dominance. Carl eventually won, and he massaged my tongue with his own. I felt him start to push me backwards, and I let him. Soon, I felt the edge of his bed behind me.

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