Part 14

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Thea's PoV

      The loud splintering of wood is what caught my attention. I looked up just in time to see the upper roof of an abandoned house just outside of the walls come crashing down. Time seemed to move in slow motion as I watched it fall, taking down several sections of walls as it landed. Walkers began pouring in; their loud growls snapped me back to reality. 

      Carl squeezed my hand and pulled me backward. We waited there until Rick sprinted over to us, yelling for everyone to get away. He motioned for us to follow him. We did as we were told and took out our knives. We took out as many as we could without losing Rick. I saw a struggling Gabriel and acted on instinct. I left the others to save him. He thanked me graciously and we ran to catch up with Rick and Carl.

       When we turned a corner, things got worse. There was too many, and they were closing in. My heart pounded, thinking this was it. Rick was about to go down when all of a sudden, Deanna appeared. She stepped in between the walkers and Rick, shielding him. This resulted in her getting overwhelmed, and she fell, right on top of an uncovered saw blade. She screamed in pain. Carl and I cleared a spot just big enough for our little group to go through. I looked back and grimaced as Rick yanked her off the blade and threw her arm over his shoulder.

     Rick supported her weight as best as he could, while Carl and I led the way. Gabriel tried to stick closer to Rick to make sure he didn't drop Deanna. During our escape, Michonne found us. She was a much needed help. Being short with only a knife made it really difficult to kill the adult, flesh eating monsters. A few minutes later, we came upon Jessie's house. She burst out of the house when she saw us and ushered us inside.

"I have Judith," she reassured a reluctant Rick. I heard him sigh in relief as he made is way carefully up the steps with Deanna. The rest of us followed them. Once we were inside, Jessie hurriedly shut and locked the door. 

    Rick took Deanna upstairs and put her in a spare room. Michonne tended to her leg that was shredded by the saw blade. Jessie disappeared to talk to a very frightened Sam. I stood with Carl beside Rick, watching Michonne tend to her wound. Gabriel stood towards the edge of the room with a frown.

   While Michonne was cleaning her up, she found something devastating. That blood stain on her side wasn't walker blood. It was hers. A bite mark stood out like a sore thumb against her pale skin. Deanna was bitten and there was no way we could save her. 

     I left the room after that. I couldn't handle seeing her of all people facing her inevitable death. I went downstairs and slid down a wall to sit on the floor with my head in my hands. I couldn't believe this was all happening. Not even a half hour ago I was joking with Maggie as we searched for Glenn. Now I sat in Jessie's house, hoping and praying that the walkers outside don't figure out we're in here. 

    I heard someone come down the stairs, so I looked up. It was Ron. He looked at me with a devilish smile. Then he turned the corner and disappeared into another part of the house. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. He was up to something; he had to be. I didn't have time to dwell on it because Carl came down soon after. 

"Have you seen Ron? Jessie asked me to find him," he questioned.

"He, um, went that way," I said softly, my voice not wanting to cooperate. I pointed him in the direction that Ron went and then curled my knees to my chest, resting my head on them.

"Are you okay, Thee?" he asked worriedly.

"Just go find Ron," I told him, not answering his question. There was a moment of silence. He wanted to protest, I knew he did, but he actually listened to me, and left with a sigh. I closed my eyes and tried not to cry. Everything had just gone to shit, and we were trapped inside this house for who knows how long. We either found a way to get out or we died here. It was just a matter of time before the walkers figured out there was fresh flesh behind the house walls. 

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