My new home

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   When I woke up, I ran down stairs, and ate a bowl of lucky charms as quickly as I could. Everyone else was awake, and already packing the car. My dad sold his minivan, and Josephina had sold her minivan, and they used the money to buy a nice Mercedes family car type thing

 My dad sold his minivan, and Josephina had sold her minivan, and they used the money to buy a nice Mercedes family car type thing

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(This is the car that I acctually have rn)
Josephina still had a jeep, and my dad still had his infinity. We packed the jeep and Mercedes floor to ceiling, in just our clothes(first load) and drove to the house. It was huuuuuuuge!! (in picture) I ran in the front door, to what the formal living room would be like, then turned to the left to see a breakfast bar separating the living room and kitchen. The two room spread all the way to the back door. To the far right of the back door was what would be a dining room, and to the far left, two stair cases. One went up and one went down. Beside up one was a bathroom, and in between both was a hallway that I discovered went to my parents room, and the theatre room.
       The rest of them caught up with me. "I want to show you ur rooms." Josephina said. We followed her upstairs, where there was a two way hallway. She went to the right. The first door on the left side she said was the guest bedroom. Across from that, my music room. It was big, and had huge Windows that stretched floor to ceiling. It was perfect.
        Next to the guest room was Peyton's room, and next to the music room was mine. It was painted light blue, and My room was the exact same layout as the music room, except in the back corner, were two doors. One a bathroom, and the other and really nice walk in closet. I was soooo happy with it!!!!

 I was soooo happy with it!!!!

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That's the closet^^

Peyton's room was similar to mine, except he didn't have a walk in closet, and his room was painted green

I started unpacking my clothes, since that was the only thing I had to unpack, until the moving van came. The first thing we got was our bedroom furniture, so I started setting up what my room would look like. Here's a picture of what it ended up looking like

I still had the same bed, and nightstands, but I got a new bedspread, carpet, and wall art

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I still had the same bed, and nightstands, but I got a new bedspread, carpet, and wall art. It was beautiful! I got my chair and put it in the corner, then I was done! I didn't have my desk, or tv yet, so I put my stuff in the chair.
      I went into Peyton's room, and his room basically looked the same as it did in his old house, except everything was more spread out since his room was bigger. We decided to check on the parents. They had already set up their room, the guest bedroom, and we're working on the formal living room. "No... Actually that couch should go there..." Josephine pointed while the movers picked up the couch and set it in place. My dad was hooking up the tv, wii u, and Apple TV in the front. Some movers had  brought in my baby grand that uses to be my mothers. I squealed." FOLLOW ME ILL SHOW YOU WHERE TO PUT IT!!!!" They with struggle pulled it up the stairs (the stairs are rlly wide so yes this is possible) and I had them set it by the window. I found my shelves in the moving van, and set them up in the corner so I could put all of my music on them. I also found my keyboard, which I also set up, and then instructed the workers to put my the love seat that was in my living room I the corner by the door. It looked kinda empty, so I asked my dad if I could get the rug from our living room. He allowed so I layed the rug out in the middle of the floor. There! Perfect! I walked back downstairs, and everything in the formal living room was finished, and they were working on the kitchen. "Go help Peyton with the theatre room." My dad shouted while attempting to put Josephina's table together. "Ok!" I shouted. Josephina smiled at me while she was putting all of our food into the pantry.
I ran down there and Peyton was putting movies into the shelves on the wall. The movers where bringing in the seats, and there were 6. One for each of us, and two extra incase we had guests.
I decided to help with the movies.
P-Peyton A-

P-I can't believe that out parents really want the whole house done by tonight.

A- yeah. It's kinda crazy, but it's good that we're going to acctually have furniture.

P- yeah. Why do we have so many movies?

A- *laughs* (I looked and we had 4 boxes of jut movies lol)

A- omg really though!

P-most of these belong to my real dad. He collected movies.

A- do u still see him?

P-no. He moved to Cuba and we haven't seen him since

A- oh that sucks

P- no. I'm actually glad. I never really liked him.(this is acctually something that can happen it's not crazy or unreasonable somehow pole just hate their parents and that's all there is to it.)

A- I miss my mom. I haven't seen her since she died when I was 8.

P-that sucks.

A- yeah. It's okay though. I'm glad my dad found your mom

P- I'm glad my mom found your dad

A- I'm glad we're siblings. Boy is our life gonna be different now

P- oh yeah. This is gonna be interesting when we go back to school tomorrow.

A- *sighs*
P-were done with the theatre room.

I turned around. They had already hooked up the projecter, DVD player, Apple TV, and wii to the ceiling.

A- whoever is fixing this house is a miracle worker!!

P- yeah! Our house is definetly gonna be finished by tonight!

We went back into the kitchen area to see what to do next. The kitchen was done by then, and they were working on the dining room. "You can go down and help with the lounge." Said Josephina.

*skips the rest of the house*

11:30 pm:

We were all sitting in the formal living room, all exhausted. We were finally done. I was tired, so I decided to go to bed. I ran upstairs, and collapsed on to the bed and drifted off to sleep...

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