My Friends Try To Kill Me

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(Picture above is the character John Wild)

-Delta's POV-

I was in my second period math class trying to understand the problem I was looking at, but let's face it. With my dyslexia combined with my stupidity, I didn't understand crap. Right now the teacher was trying to get control of the class since everyone decided it would be a great idea to go crazy in here since it was a portable. One time someone set off a stink bomb and another time someone turned off the lights and everyone screamed and another time—well you get the point: people be crazy in this class. It's why I hate math. Okay, I hate math because I'm bad at it, but this class definitely doesn't help. Lucky for me though, I was sitting next to my best friend John Wild. He was the only one actually doing math since he's a nerd who cares about his grade. Me, knowing I'd get my butt whooped if I don't, decided to copy the homework from him. Don't judge me he's the smartest in class. Hell, he's the smarted in the school. I think he has a 4.5 GPA. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT WAS POSSIBLE! Anyway, he noticed I was coping so he tried to hide his paper from my sight. I playfully shoved him causing him to laugh and let me see again. I chuckled as well. I loved seeing him laugh. It made his eyes glow and he looked cute. Okay, I might be crushing on him. Emphasis on the might. I'm not too sure yet. I mean, I definitely care about him. He is my best friend after all, but then again I wouldn't mind dating him. In fact, I think I would like that. If only-

"Hello, earth to Delta," John interrupted my thinking as he waved his hand in my face. "Did you hear anything I just said?"

I responded with the most intelligent thing I could think of, "Huh?" He chuckled at me causing me to smile. Like I said, I love seeing him laugh.

"Listen, I have to ask you something," he said seriously. I grew nervous. Why was he being serious? John Wild is NEVER serious. Okay, he's always serious, but something about this time just got me nervous.

He opened his mouth to ask me when five people barged into the room. They were all wearing the same thing, an orange shirt that looked like it said Camp Half-Blood but it was hard to tell with my dyslexia, and blue jeans. One looked a lot like John but it was a girl, she had long blonde hair tied in a ponytail and had the same gray eyes. Another had jet black hair and sea green eyes. The one other girl had chocolate brown hair cut choppy and uneven and her eyes were brown. There was a blonde haired guy with electric blue eyes and a curly brown haired guy with brown eyes.

"Where's Delta Reel and John Wild?" The girl who looked like John asked. Me and John looked at each other worried. Who were these people and why were they looking for us? "Don't make me ask again."

That's when almost everyone in the class pointed to us. "Really guys?!" I asked mad at my classmates. For all we know these people could be serial killers who came to kill us and our so called friends just ratted us out.

"You need to come with us," the guy with sea green eyes said with authority.

"If you think I'm coming with you people then you have another thing coming," I sassed them.

"You need to come with us now," the girl with choppy hair spoke. All of a sudden that didn't seem like such a bad idea.

"Okay," me and John said together as we started to walk towards them. That's when six of our classmates stood up and stood in our way. "What are you doing?" We asked.

"We can't let you go with them," one of the ones in the middle responded.

"Our boss wouldn't be happy with us," the other middle one finished. That's when the craziest thing happened. Their appearance started to change. Their left leg became brown and shaggy with a donkey's hoof. Their right leg was shaped like a human leg, but it was made of bronze. Then their faces turned white as chalk and their eyes turned completely red, and their teeth grew into fangs.

"WHAT ON GODS EARTH!" I yelled scared.

"Everyone get out of here!" The group of five yelled at everyone.

"You don't have to tell me twice," I mumbled and was about to walk around them when one of them lunged at me. I thought I was going to die but all of a sudden it exploded into gold dust. I looked down and saw a throwing knife in the dust, but it wasn't a normal throwing knife. It was glowing. I was about to pick it up when:

"Delta we've got to hide," John said as he pulled me behind a desk that was on its side.

I looked at the people and they all had weapons and were fighting the things. They were doing a very good job, but they seemed to be struggling since they were a man down. I had to help, so I ran over to the throwing knife, picked it up, and threw it at one of the things. Bad news: I missed the thing. Good news: I didn't hit one of the people. More bad news: now it knew where I was. It ran over to me and started to attack me. I was able to dodge the first few attacks, but it finally got me slicing down my arm. I cried out in pain. I felt kinda woozy and then the next thing I know I saw John tackle the thing and then I passed out.

-John's POV-

I heard Delta cry out in pain, so I did the first thing that came to mind. I tackled the thing that hurt Delta. I should've thought this through because the next thing I knew I was pinned down. I thought this was it when all of a sudden it exploded into gold dust. I looked up and saw the group of people coming over to me.

"Get the girl," the blonde one said, "we have to get her back to camp. She could be poisoned." Her friends ran over to Delta. The girl helped me up and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I replied. "Who are you?"

"I'm Annabeth Chase," she answered. "Daughter of Athena."

Okay, that's it. I'm definitely dreaming. "Yeah, okay," I scoffed, "and I'm Oprah." She gave me a look. "Sorry," I quickly apologized, "but Greek mythology isn't real."

"But it is," she replied. "I'll explain everything once we're safe." Her friends already had Delta by the door, but she didn't look good. I wanted Delta to be ok so I listened to Annabeth. We got in a cab to take us to Long Island.

The cab ride was silent until I asked, "Can I at least know your names?"

"This is Percy Jackson," Annabeth gestured to the guy with sea green eyes. "This is Piper McLean." She gestured to the other girl. "Leo Valdez." She gestured to the guy with brown eyes. "And Jason Grace." Lastly she gestured to the guy with electric blue eyes.

I wanted to ask questions but Annabeth said earlier she would explain when we're safe, so I didn't. When we arrived we went up a hill and there I saw it: an amazing camp.

I looked at Delta who seemed to be getting worse. I was getting worried so I said, "Annabeth, Delta's getting worse." She nodded and we ran down the hill into the camp.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now