The Prophecy

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    -John's POV-

"Who do you think Delta's parent is?" I asked.

She sighed, "I don't want it to be true because of the prophecy, but I think she's a daughter of Poseidon."

"Like Percy?"


     "You mentioned a prophecy, what does it say?"

     She was about to tell me when the guy sitting on the other side of her whispered to her but I could still hear, "We're not supposed to talk about the prophecy."

     "Malcolm he deserves to know," Annabeth whispered back.

     "And why's that?"

     "He likes her."

     "Fine, but if Chiron finds out it's on you."

     "I'll take that chance." She turned back to me and said, "I'll tell you the prophecy but you can't tell Delta. Got it?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Poseidon's youngest shall travel west,
To greet the army with the best,
To save the camp one will die,
And they shall fight with all their might,
To see the world in a trance,
They shall end the endless dance."


"Yeah. I don't want it to be Delta because great prophecies are not fun. I would know. I've been part one and Percy has been part of two. It's a lot of stress."

"Does Percy know about it?"

"No. And please don't tell him because for all we know it could be about him. But I doubt it. How else could you explain 6 monsters in a room with only 2 demigods? Think about."

"For that to happen the demigod scent would have to be really strong and it obviously wasn't me."


Then a guy ran up to Annabeth but I recognized him. He was the guy Annabeth was talking to at the infirmary. He said, "She's awake."

I knew what that meant immediately. Delta was up. I got out of my seat and ran towards the infirmary leaving Annabeth and the guy.

I heard Annabeth yell, "John!" but I kept running. When I reached the infirmary I saw Delta sitting on the side of the bed looking down.

     "Delta," I said. She stood up, I ran to her, and hugged her. The best part though? She hugged me back.

-Delta's POV-

     When I heard John I wanted to run up to him, but I contained myself. The good thing was, I didn't have to, because he ran up to me. I didn't hesitate I hugged him. Then I saw a girl who looked like John, and I recognized she was part of the group who barged in our classroom, and she was by the door. I think he knew she was there to because we both stopped hugging.

     "How ya feeling?" he asked.

     "I've been better," I replied. I saw a worried look on John's face, so I asked, "What's wrong?"

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now