The Battle Begins

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-Annabeth's POV-

     Delta was surrounded by monsters. We had to help. "Percy!" I yelled. "She's over there!" I saw him nod his head and we soared down to where Delta was. When we got to her she looked pretty tired. We got off our pegasi and took out our weapons. We ran to Delta.

     "What are you doing here?" She asked.

     "Saving your life," I replied.

     "I told you I don't want anybody getting hurt because of me."

     "And I told you we don't care about that."

     "What are you guys talking about?" Percy asked.

     "Nothing," me and Delta said at the same time.

     "Then stop talking and help us fight," he replied. That's when we both noticed the fight had begun.

-Delta's POV-

     I ran over to a bunch of empousa and earthborn and started to attack. Not only was I attacking with my sword but I was also using my water powers. It gave me an advantage but also a disadvantage. I was able to kill more monsters but I was getting tired quickly. I made water erupt from the ground and blasted monsters away. I dodged and parried attacks. Then I used water to slice some monsters in half making them turn to dust. I also stabbed some monster and sliced at them. I had gotten a lot of monsters killed when a empousa came up to me.

She said, "You shouldn't have come."

"And why's that?" I asked.

"You killed my sisters so now I'll kill you."

"What are you talking about?"

"That day in the classroom. When your brother and his friends barged in."

Then the empousa's image flickered. And I saw who I thought was my friend. "Tiffany."

"That's right. And now you'll die a slow and painful death."

"Ok, but you're forgetting one thing."

"And what's that?"

"I'm the most powerful demigod on earth. What makes you think you can defeat me?"

"Because I won't rest until you're dead." With that she charged at me.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now