What Happens Now

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-Percy's POV-

I saw Delta walk off. So naturally I followed her. She went to the lake. I had a quick debate with myself on weather to talk to her or not. I ended up deciding to talk to her. "Delta?" I asked.

She turned and saw me, "What are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Not in the party mood. You?"

"Saw you walk off. Wanted to check in on you."

She nodded. "What happens now?"

"What do you mean?"

"The war is over. No more battles. So what happens now?"

"Not sure. I guess things go back to normal."

She looked sad as she said, "Things will never be normal again." I knew immediately she was talking about John.

     I put my arm around her. "You're right. Things will never be normal again. You will never be the same again. But maybe that's for the better." She looked at me curious. "He'd want you to move on. We learn and grow from our experiences. And this one...this one has made you a hell of a lot stronger. If that was even possible. But remember you got friends here who care about you and family who loves you. Now that will always be the same. I promise you that."

     We sat in the sand and I wiped away a few of her stray tears and held her tight. Next thing we know all our friends are with us sitting in the sand. Talking and laughing. We were like a happy family. And as a happy family we watched the sunset. Together.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now