Who's Fault

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(Sorry for the late update)

-Annabeth's POV-

I don't know how long we were fighting, but we were doing pretty well. But of course eventually we got to here, we were all surrounded by monsters. But I couldn't see Delta anywhere.

     That's when I heard a voice say, "Drop your weapons!" I looked to see an empousa holding a dagger to Delta's throat. "Or she dies."

     Delta spoke up and said, "Don't do it! We all know someone has to die, so let it be me. I'm not important."

     I couldn't believe what she was saying. I shook my head and said, "You are to us." And I dropped my dagger. The others nodded their heads and dropped their weapons. They tied up our hands and put us in a cage together. I sat down next to Percy and put my head on his shoulder. I couldn't help but think this was my fault.

     Then Leo being Leo said, "This is all Delta's fault."

     "What?!" She yelled. "How is it my fault?!"

     "You're the one that ran off! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

     "I was trying to help!"

     "How?! By getting yourself killed?!"

     "I did it for all of you!"


     "I didn't want anyone to die because of me again!" Again? What does she mean? "Not again."

     "What do mean again?" Percy asked.

     "I don't want to talk about it," she said softly.

     "That's fine," I said. "And it's not your fault Delta. It's mine."

     "Okay now what are you talking about, Annabeth?" Piper asked.

     "I had a feeling Delta would run off, but I didn't say anything," I replied.

     "What?!" They all yelled, except for Delta. 

     "Are you kidding me!" Percy yelled.

     "I'm sorry," I said softly.

     "You knew full well my sister was going to run off and get herself killed and you didn't say anything!"

     I was looking down. I couldn't face him.

     "Enough!" Piper yelled. "It's no ones fault. Let's just concentrate on getting out of here. We're gonna have to get our weapons back-"

     "That's it!" Percy cut her off. He was able to reach into his pocket and pull out Riptide. I was so happy I kissed him.

     When I pulled away I said, "Percy your a genius." Then I realized what I said and said as a joke, "Wow never thought I'd say that." Percy smiled. We got our hands free and were able to get out of the cage. We grabbed our weapons and ran for it.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now