The Hunters

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-Annabeth's POV-

     We were riding the pegasi for what seemed like forever so we had to land to let them rest. Everyone helped set up camp. It was late and everyone was getting ready to go to sleep themselves. That's when I saw them. A group of teenage girls emerged from the woods. When they saw us they stopped where they were.

     I realized it was the hunters of Artemis. Which meant Thalia was there. That's when I saw her I said, "Thalia."

     "Annabeth," she replied. We ran up to each other and hugged. "I can't believe it's you."

     "Me?" I replied. "What about you. I haven't seen you in ages."

     "Well that's a bit of an overstatement." I glared at her. "Ok no it's not." Thalia looked behind me and saw everyone. "What are you guys doing here?"

     "We're on a quest to stop an army of monsters."

     "Who's quest is it?"


"Who's Delta?"

     Delta walked up to Thalia and said, "That'd be me. I'm Delta."

     "Nice to meet you. I'm Thalia."

     "Thalia," I started. "Why don't you just set up camp here? So we can catch up."

     "Sure." She turned to face the hunters and yelled, "Set up camp here!" Everyone got to work. In like a minute their camp was set up.

     Percy walked up to Thalia. Please don't kill  each other, I hoped in my head.

     "Hey Thalia," he said.

     "Hey kelp head."

     "Guess what, your not the only one with a full sibling now."

     "What are you talking about?"

     "Delta's my little sister."

     "What? Really?" She looked at Delta. "You're related to this doofus?"

     "Sadly," she replied. We laughed. Then Piper, Jason, Leo, and John came over.

     "Hey sis," Jason said.

     "Hey little bro. Hey Piper," Thalia replied.

     "Hey," Piper said.

     "Leo," she said.

     "Thalia," Leo replied.

     Then I guess Thalia saw John for the first time. She asked me, "Ok, who is that?"

     "That's John," I told her. "He's a son of Athena."
     "Oh, so you have a new half brother."


     She looked at John and said, "Well nice to meet you John."

     "Nice to meet you to," he said.

     "Annabeth, Delta can I talk to you two?" Thalia asked.

     "Sure," me and Delta said at the same time. We followed her to her tent.

-Thalia's POV- (because I can)

     I lead them to my tent. I wanted to ask Delta about joining the hunt but I knew what she would say. When we got to my tent we went inside and sat down.

     I looked at Delta and said, "You like him don't you?" I heard Annabeth chuckle.

     "What?" she asked.

     "John. You like him."

     "What?" she replied in a high pitched voice. "No I don't."

     "Yeah you do."

     "So what if I do?"

     "Then it answers my question."

     "What question?"

     "If you wanted to join the hunt."

     "Don't you have to, like, swear off boys?"


     "Then sorry my answer is no."

     "But what if he doesn't like you that way?"

     Then Annabeth spoke up, "He does."

     We both looked at her and said, "What?"

     "John likes you to."

     "Really?" Delta asked



     I looked at Annabeth, "Thanks a lot."

     "Sorry but she deserves to know what she'd be giving up by joining the hunt."

I looked at Delta. She was squealing like crazy. "Yeah. I guess you're right."

-Jason's POV-

I was happy to see Thalia. I was. She's my sister after all. However when she said she wanted to talk to Delta, I knew what she was going to do. I felt obliged to tell John because I could tell he liked her.

I walked over to him and said, "Hey."

"Oh, hey. Why did Thalia want to talk to Delta?" he asked.

"Probably to ask her to join the hunt."

"Don't they have to swear off boys?"

"Yeah. They do." I saw him frown. "But I don't think she will."

"Why's that?"

     "She likes you."

     "She does?"

     "Yeah. You should ask her out."

     "I will. But I'll do it after the quest. Ya know when we have more time. Plus afterwards we'll both be 13, so maybe Percy won't be on our case so much."

     "Makes sense. It's getting late. We should get some rest."

     "Yeah. 'Night."

     "Good night."

     I went to my tent and immediately fell asleep. When I woke up everyone was already up, and the hunters were gone.

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