No I Don't

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(BTW certain chapters will have Percabeth moments because I love Percabeth)

-John's POV-

We all ran through the camp to what seemed like an infirmary. Why do they need an infirmary at a camp? What kind of camp is this? Once we got there they set Delta on an unoccupied bed.

"Will!" Annabeth called out for someone.

A blonde guy emerged from the back room. He looked at all of us before his eyes settled on Delta who's blood was seeping through the gauze that they wrapped the wound in. He ran over to her. "What happened?" He asked already getting supplies.

"An empousa scratched her arm pretty good," Annabeth explained. "I'm thinking poison. Can you help?"

"Of course I can," Will answered, "just give me a few hours and she'll be up and at em."

Annabeth nodded and turned towards me. "Come on," she gestured for me to follow her. I noticed that the others were already by the door. I quickly joined them and we walked out of the infirmary.

We walked towards a pretty big house. When we reached it there was a man—scratch that—there was a centaur pacing. I only know that because of Delta. She loves Greek mythology.

"Chiron, this is one of the new campers," Piper gestured to me.

"And where is the other?" The centaur Chiron asked.

"Yeah about that," Percy scratched the back of his head, "we ran into some empousas, so she's in the infirmary right now."

Empousas? He must be talking about the things back at school. "Okay someone needs to explain all this real quick," I spoke up.

"Well you see," Annabeth started, "Greek mythology is real. The monsters, the gods, the demigods, all of it. We're demigods. As you know I'm a daughter of Athena, Percy is the son of Poseidon, Leo the son of Hephaestus, Piper the daughter of Aphrodite, and Jason the son of Jupiter since he's Roman. You're also a demigod, but we don't know who your parent is yet. You should be claimed before sunset though. Percy told the gods to start paying their child support so."

Percy and Annabeth laughed while the rest of us just kinda stood there. "Yeah okay, that makes perfect sense," I replied sarcastically.

"I know it's a lot to take in," Annabeth assured, "you should've seen Percy when he found out."

"Hey!" Percy exclaimed.

"It's okay bud," Jason placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure Leo's reaction beats yours." They all started to laugh except for Percy who seemed as if he didn't know what they were talking about.

Once they calmed some Chiron spoke, "Percy, Annabeth, will you please show John around camp before lunch?"

"Sure thing Chiron," Percy nodded. With that said me, Percy and Annabeth walked out of the house.

They started to show me around. At first I was listening, but then I started to zone out because I started to think about Delta. I sure hope she'll be okay.

-Annabeth's POV-

When I turned around to look at John I could tell that he wasn't paying attention anymore. He was thinking. I immediately knew what he was thinking about. Or should I say, who. "You like her don't you?" I asked him.

His head snapped up and a tint of red appeared on his cheeks. "What?" He replied in a high pitched voice.

"So you do like her?" I asked to clarify.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"Fine! I like her a little bit." Percy and I gave him a look. "Ok, I like her a lot."

"I knew it!"

"If you like her," Percy started. "Why don't you just ask her out?"

I rolled my eyes. Oh seaweed brain, he's twelve. Who dates at twelve?

"Yeah 'cause you did that when you were my age?"

"Well no but-"

John cut him off, "How long did it take you?"

I was trying to hold in my laughter but utterly failed, and I burst out laughing.

John looked at me like I was crazy and asked, "What's so funny?"

I calmed down and looked at Percy who was looking at the floor. "Fine," I said. "If you won't answer him I will. It took him 4 years."

"4 years? Who was he asking?"

"Well that'd be me."

"Wait. You two are dating?"


"I thought Athena and Poseidon hated each other."

"Well yeah that's true. I'm pretty there's a lot of times when my mom wants to kill him."

"Thanks for that," Percy said.

"You're welcome Seaweed Brain," I said. "But luckily she doesn't."

"Ok, but I'm twelve," John stated.

"Your point is?" Percy asked not getting the point. You seaweed brain, why ask someone out if you don't even know if they like you back?

"I can't. It's illogical. There's a high percent chance she'll say no. I don't even know if she feels the same. Plus I was going to ask her when you guys barged in."

"Oh, sorry about that," Percy said.

Then I heard the horn. It was time for lunch. I turned to Percy and said, "Percy can you take John? I've got to go join my cabin."

"Sure," he replied. With that I ran off.

-John's POV-

When Annbeth ran off I followed Percy to what I believe he called the dining Pavalon. When we got there there was a lot of tables, some more crowded than others.

I asked Percy, "Where do I sit."

"You sit at the Hermes table because you're undetermined," he replied.

I nodded my head. When I got my food I started to walk over to the Hermes table which he had pointed out for me, when everyone started to stare at me. Then I noticed they weren't staring at me but above me. I was curious so I looked up. There was an image of an owl.

Chiron came over to me and announced to the camp, "John Wild, son of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom."

Chiron led me over to what I'm guessing is the Athena table and I sat down next to Annabeth.

The first thing she said to me was, "I knew it."

"What?" I asked.

"I had a feeling you were a son of Athena and I was right."

"So, what does this make you my half sister or something?"

"Yeah, it does."

"Who do you think Delta's parent is?" I asked.

She sighed, "I don't want it to be true because of the prophecy, but I think she's the daughter of-"

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now