Where Is She?!

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-Percy's POV-

     When the horn sounded signaling the retreat we all ran back to camp. I was feeling pretty good. I think we did a significant amount of damage to their army. I was now back at camp with Annabeth waiting for the others to return. Everyone had returned by now and we're just waiting for the group that went in the middle. Delta's group. Finally I caught sight of Reyna so I ran up to her.

"Where's Delta?" I asked her. She looked worried and sad. I was starting to get worried. "Where is she?!" She shook her head no. That's when I put the pieces together. She was taken. I was filled with rage.

I started towards the forest again when someone grabbed my arm and turned me around. "No Percy," Annabeth said.

"She's still in there!" I replied.

"I know. I'm worried to. But it's not going to do her any good if we go in there without a plan and get ourselves killed. Where will that get us?"

"No where," I mumbled.

"Exactly. No where. Our best bet is to wait till morning with a battle plan and then go get her."

"But what if they kill her by then?"

"If they captured her then they won't kill. At least not yet. They want her for something. We just don't know what."

Sorry for the late update. A lot of stuff has been going on. I'll try to update again today but I make no promises. Peace.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now