It's Good To Be Home But Not In This Case

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(Sorry for the late update)

-Delta's POV-

     We were running for what felt like forever. Until I realized there was a better way.

     "Stop!" I yelled so everyone could hear.

     "What is it?" Annabeth asked.

     "I have an idea." I didn't know where she was so I just shouted, "Marie!" Nothing happened. I was about to shout again when I saw something in the sky. It was Marie, followed by 6 other pegasi.

     When they landed she said, "You called boss."

     "Sure did. We got to get back to camp." We all mounted our pegasi and took off. I was tired so I dozed off. Unfortunately sleep ment dreams.

Once again I was in a dark room with my dad standing in the center. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Back to camp."


"The army's too big to defeat on our own. We tried and failed. We need help."

"Then you should know the consequences of your choice."

"And what are they?"

"The army advances, it will arrive at camp just a bit after you arrive."


"With the battle in your home territory, everyone will have to fight. Which means more casualties."




"You must wake up now. Goodbye."

"Wait I have more-"

Then I woke up and I saw camp, but I also saw the army. When we landed everyone ran up to us.

We got off our pegasi and Chiron asked, "Did you do it?"

"We should talk about this in private," Percy replied.

"Ok then," Chiron said. "I'll hold a counselor meeting later."

"No," I said and everyone looked at me. "We need to have one now."

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now