One More Time

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-Delta's POV-

     We were all ready to attack. We were waiting in the tree line for the archers to finish up. They were picking off the monsters one by one. They probably killed ten at least that none of the other monsters noticed. Then they all pulled back an arrow, some pulled back two or three, and they all launched at the same time. They killed at least thirty monsters. As soon as all the campers saw the monster explode into gold dust they did what they were told. They charged. That battle has begun.

     I ran in to the battle slashing and killing all monsters in my way. We were fighting for a while until I heard a voice. I turned around and saw an empousa.

     "It's you again," the empousa hissed. "Last time I saw you you were in tears."

     "What are you talking about?" I asked.

     "You were crying over your dead boyfriend."

     I then recalled when the spear was thrown. And who threw it. "It was you," I whispered. Then I got angry. "You threw the spear! You killed John!"

     "Nooooo. I didn't kill John. I killed you. Technically you killed him. I mean he traded his life for yours."

     "I didn't ask him to do that."

     "Nope but he did it anyway. You killed him. You killed the man you loved." I yelled in rage and attacked. I swung my blade but she dodged. My mind was clouded with rage as I just kept swinging. I wasn't even aware I had started to use my powers. But finally I had her. I'm not sure how but she was on the floor as I hovered over her with the tip of my sword pressed against her neck. "You won't kill me."

     "I wouldn't be too sure."

     "You're too weak. Too kind."

     "Then I guess it's good that revenge is a dish best served cold." I then stabbed her in the neck making her explode into gold dust.

     "Delta," I heard someone say. I turned around and saw-

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now