Delta's Past

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-John's POV-

"What do you mean?" Percy asked.

"How much worse could it get?" Annabeth asked.

"A lot worse," I answered.

"Okay, pause for a second," Leo started. "What are we talking about?"

"Delta's past," I replied.

"What about her past?" Jason asked.

"Was it bad?" Piper asked.

"Terrible," I answered. "I'll tell you everything. Just not here. Not in the open." They nodded and followed me to the lake. We all sat down in the sand.

"Alright spill," Percy told me.
"Okay," I said. "You want the big news or the build up?"

They all exchanged glances then replied in union, "Big news."

I nodded. "She tried to kill herself." Their eyes went wide and mouths agape. "More than once." They were too shocked to say anything, but I knew what they were going to ask so I continued. "Her fist attempt we were 8."


I was walking through the woods studying the trees and animals because I was bored. That's what kids my age do, right? Anyway, I was walking until I reached the clearing leading to the cliff. I saw a figure close to the edge and quickly realized it was Delta. She inched closer to the edge and I called out to her, "Delta!" She turned around.

     "Stay back!" She shouted. "I don't want to hurt you to!" She was about to walk off the edge when my body took over. Next thing I know I have her pinned to the ground. She starts crying so I hold her in my arms.

~End of flashback~

     I paused to let the first part sink in. They were to shocked to speak. Until Percy asked, "Why'd she do it?"

     "Was my first question," I replied.


     "Why?" I asked her after she calmed down.

     "Life sucks," she replied.

     "Tell me something I don't know." She chuckled. "But seriously. Why?"

     "My adoptive family hates me."

     "Then why did they adopt you?"

     "I guess they wanted a punching bag."

     "What do you mean?"

     "They beat me everyday, call me names. No one wants me around."

     "I want you around." She scoffed. "No really. I do. But how do you deal with it?"

     "How do you think? I cut."

     "Yourself?" She nodded. "Why?"

     "Allows me to control the pain."

     "Can I see it?" She nodded. I grabbed her arms and pulled up the sleeves. There were a lot of cuts and bruises. Some old some new. "You gotta stop. It's bad for you."

     "I know."

     "Promise you'll stop."

     "I promise I'll try."

     "Good enough." I hugged her again.

~End of flashback~

     They processed the new information. "That's terrible," Piper spoke.

     "No kidding," Leo added.

     "That's must've been hard on her," Jason said.

     "That's not fair to her. She's such a good person," Percy said.

     "Wait a second," Annabeth started. "You said she tried to kill herself more than once." I nodded. "When was her next attempt?"

     "Two years later. We were ten."


     I was reading in the living room alone when I heard a knock on the door. I went and opened it to find Delta. She was looking down. Literally. "What are you doing here?" I asked her.

     She kept her head down as she asked, "Can I use your bathroom?" I nodded and let her in and she immediately ran upstairs to the bathroom. I waited in the living room for her. I started to get this queasy feeling in my stomach so I went upstairs to check on her. I opened the door and saw her struggling to open a bottle of pills. I immediately put the pieces together and we wrestled for the bottle. The bottle popped open spilling the pills everywhere. She started to sob as I held her in my arms once again.

~End of flashback~

     "Why that time?" Piper asked.

     "Same reason," I answered. "She was getting sick of taking it everyday."

     "Please don't tell us she had another attempt?" Jason asked.

     By seeing the look on my face Leo asked, "She did didn't she?"

     I nodded. "What method this time?" Percy asked.

     "Knife," I answered.

     "Where?" Annabeth questioned.

     "Her house," I replied.

     "When?" Leo asked.

     "We were 11. So a year ago," I answered.

     "Why?" Jason questioned.

     "She blamed herself," I replied.

     "For what?" Piper asked.

     "Her adoptive brothers suicide," I answered. By seeing their confusion I explained. "He beat her to. Called her names. All that jazz. Until finally Delta stood up for herself. Called him some names. None of them good." I paused. "An hour later they found his body hanging in his room. She blamed herself for it. So did her adoptive parents. Things just got worse for her."

     "I'm sorry we didn't know," Piper apologized.

     "Why would you?" I asked. "She hates talking about it. But that's what she meant when she said she doesn't want anybody else to die because of her again. She still blames herself. At least she's stopped cutting."

     "But why does she think when someone helps it has to come at a price?" Annabeth asked.

     "That's how it's always been for her," I replied. "If someone stopped a bully from bullying her they always ended up asking for something in return. That's why you should never keep score with her. She'll never say you owe her, so neither should you." They all nodded. But before they could ask anymore questions the horn sounded. "Time to kick some monster butt."

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now