The Prophecy (part 2)

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-Delta's POV-

And with that my dad was gone. I heard all the campers whispering about what just happened. I have to say I couldn't believe it myself. I have a brother. I have a family, I thought. And they all abandoned me. I clenched my fist.

"Ok everyone go to your cabins it's time for bed," Chiron had to shout over everyone. "There will be a meeting in the Big House with the cabin counselors in the morning. Be there 7:00 am sharp. Delta, John you need to be there too. Now off to bed."

I followed Percy to the Poseidon cabin. We walked in silence. When we got there he went to his bed, and I went to an unused bed.

     A few minutes later he finally talked, "I'm curious, what's you middle name?"

     I replied with a question, "What's your middle name?"

    "Touché. Maybe after the quest you could meet mom."

     "No thanks."

     "What? Why?"

     "Because she gave me up."

     "But didn't you get adopted."


     "Then what's the problem."

     "It's who adopted me."


     "I was treated terrible, Percy. They beat me. I know you've only known me for a short time but you've seen the scars. Have you wondered how I got them?"

"Yeah, actually."

"Well that's how. It was bad."

"How bad?"

"Really bad."

Then I heard a voice say, "What?" and it wasn't Percy's.

"Who said that?" I asked. "Who's there?" Then by the door I saw a person appear. It was Annabeth.

-Annabeth's POV-
"Who said that?" Delta asked. "Who's there?" I was reluctant at first but I knew I had to. I took off my Yankees cap.

"Annabeth," Delta said almost yelling. "What are you doing here."

"I'm sorry," I said. "I snuck out of the Athena cabin to see you both. We need to talk."

"Fine. What is it?"

"The prophecy."

"I don't know what it means expect I travel west, greet an army, and someone will die."

"Yeah that's really all I know to. But I think I can figure it out. Poseidon's youngest shall travel west. That's obvious, you travel west. To greet the army with the best. You face an army that apparently has some of the best monsters. To save the camp one will die. Someone will die on the quest. And they shall fight with all their might. That can mean one of two things. Either the person who dies dies fighting, or the army will do everything in their power to the destroy the camp. To see the world in a trance. I'm not sure about this one. They shall end the endless dance. I don't have a clue."

     "That makes sense actually," Percy said.

     "Yeah it does," Delta said. "Now not to be rude or anything but we should probably get some sleep."

     "Yeah you're right. Good night."

     "Night," they both replied. I put on my Yankees cap and left.

(Sorry this chapter is short. I promise the next one will be longer.)

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now