The Day Before It Begins

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(The picture above is Delta's watch and necklace)

-Percy's POV- (Finally)

I woke up and started to get ready, when I noticed Delta was still sleeping.

I walked over to her and started to shake her awake, "Delta wake up we've got to get ready to go. The meetings today and it's in 20 minutes."

"I'm up I'm up," she said. She got up and got ready. A while later it was 7 o'clock and we didn't even leave the cabin yet.

We were almost out the door when Delta stoped. "What?" I asked.

"Where's my watch?"

"What watch?"

"My pink watch."

"What does it matter?"

"It turns into a shield."


"Yeah and my necklace turns into a sword."

"How do you know that?"

"Dad may have visited me in my dreams and told me."

"Are you serious! Dad barely visits me!" Then we got into an argument that lasted five minutes. "Ya know what who cares. We're late."

"Yeah and I found my watch." We ran out of the cabin and to the big house.

When we got there Piper said, "Told you they'd be late."

"Well Percy's always late. That's just Percy being Percy," Annabeth said. They all started laughing. Then she turned to John, "How many times is Delta late?"

"She's always late too. I bet if it weren't for Percy she'd be even later," John replied.

"That's how you know they're related."

"Thanks for that John," Delta said. "Really."

"You're welcome," John replied.

"Delta, Percy, sit down please we have much to discuss," Chiron said. We sat down. "Let's begin. The prophecy. Delta has chosen to take Jason, Leo, Piper, Annabeth, John, and Percy. Is that correct?"

"Yeah," Delta said.

"Well then I think there is nothing to discuss. I'm sure Annabeth already has some ideas about it that she has told some of you. The seven of you will leave tomorrow morning, so enjoy today. Meeting adjourned." Everyone got up and walked outside.

Annabeth came up to me and said, "So, Seaweed Brain. We have the whole day before we are part of yet another great prophecy, what do you want to do?"

"You know I was thinking-"

"Well that's never good."

"Shut up wise Girl. I was going to say the lake."

"That's the smartest thing you've ever said." We ran to the lake. To sum it all up we swam, talked and kissed. We hadn't realized how much time had gone by until we heard the horn for dinner, so we headed to the dining pavalon.

-Delta's POV-

When the meeting was over I went back to my cabin. I was so bored I had nothing to do then I thought of something. John. He must've been bored to it's not like we had many friends to hang out with. So I went over to the Athena cabin. To my surprise no one was in there except for John. Even though I was new I still knew the rules, but at this point I didn't care.

"Hey," I said.

He looked up from his book he was reading and said, "Oh, hey."

"Listen I know we have the quest tomorrow so I figured we could hang out today."

"Yeah sure."

"Cool. Also I have something to show you. Come on." He got up and followed me to the Poseidon cabin.

When we got there we went inside and I filled a cup up with water and put it on the floor. John was looking at me like I was crazy, but I couldn't blame him what I was about to do was crazy. "Just watch." Then I concentrated and made the water in the cup float.

"That's amazing!" He said.

I turned around to look at him and said, "Right!" I was so excited I accidentally sprayed the water at him, which left him soaking wet.

"Thank you. Really I appreciate getting soaked with water so thank you."

"You're welcome."

"You know I think it's only fair if you get soaked too."

"Oh no, no, no, no, no. Don't you dare." He started to walk over to me. "No stay away!" Then he hugged me. The hug was nice but the water was not. Oddly enough when he pulled away I was completely dry.

"Ok that's not fair at all."

"Hey it's not my fault I get the cool water powers."

"I guess that's true. Well I'm going to go change into dry clothes now. I'll be back." Then he left.

I was having so much fun with John I didn't notice the time. It was almost time for dinner, so I walked over to the Athena cabin to get John. When I got there he was ready.

"Hey," I said.


"It's almost time for dinner we should probably get Percy and Annabeth."

"Yeah good idea."

We started to look for them when we heard the horn for dinner. We were walking to the dining pavalon we saw Percy and Annabeth.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey," Percy replied. I told Percy what I could do and he wasn't shocked at all. Apparently he can do it to. Then we ate, went to the campfire, and went to sleep. The following day we all met up at half blood hill, ready to go.

"So you all ready to greet an army?" I asked.

"Do we have to?" Leo complained. We all laughed. We all looked at each other and nodded. Then we ran down the hill.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now