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-Delta's POV-

When I pulled away from John he wasn't breathing. He was gone. I was distressed, sad traumatized. But quickly that sadness was replaced with something else. Rage. I slowly stood up with my fist clenched. I screamed. I don't really know what started to happen. I wasn't in control anymore. It was as if my rage took over. Next thing I know I'm collapsing from exhaustion.

-Percy's POV-

     I saw John die from a distance. I felt bad for Delta. I don't what I would do if Annabeth died. I see Delta stand up and she screams. Then she starts to use her powers and starts to kill every monster in sight. I thought that was fine because she's killing the monsters.

     Annabeth ran over to me. "We gotta stop her!" She shouted over the noise.

     "Why?" I asked really not getting the point.

     "She's hurting campers." Then I saw that some campers were getting hurt from her powers as well. That's when I realized she had no control.

     "You're right. We have to stop her." We ran over to her and tried to get her attention. "Delta!"

     "Delta you need to stop!" She was ignoring us. Or maybe she couldn't hear us in the state she was in. After a while of trying to get her attention and dodging her attacks she finally stopped. But as soon as she did she collapsed. The horn sounded and we all retreated. Me and Annabeth had to carry Delta. We were all safe in the boarder but sadly the monsters were right outside of it. Trying to get in. The force field was holding up but who's knows for how much longer.

     "Annabeth we have to get out of here," I told her.

     "I know, but how?" She asked. That when I saw Nico. When did he get here?

     I ran up to him. "Nico we need your help."

     "What is it?" He asked.

     "We need to get out of camp. All of us. Could you take us to camp Jupiter."

     "I don't know if I can shadow travel this many." I looked around and saw the large group of people.

     Reyena stepped forward. "I can lend you some of my strength," she suggested.

     "That still won't be enough," Nico told us.

     "Percy what about Mrs. O'Leary," Annabeth recalled.

     "Oh yeah," I replied. I called her and thankfully she showed up. "What if she helps as well?"

     "I guess I could try," Nico announced. The whole camp got in a bunch holding on to each other. And we faded into the shadows.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now