The Plan...With Some Alteration

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-John's POV-

     I was with Annabeth waiting for the attack. We're sticking with the plan but Annabeth changed it some, so I'm worried.

     "Are you sure this will work?" I asked her.

     "Yes I'm sure," she answered.

     "But you changed the plan. And nobody knows except for me because I'm in it."

     "Technically the plan is still the same it just has...some alterations."

     "What if something goes wrong?"

     "Nothing will go wrong." We couldn't continue the conversation anymore because the horn sounded signaling the attack has started. We ran into the battle around everyone. I wanted to help them but only one person was on my mind at the moment. Delta. We kept running until we reached the monsters camp. There were only a few monster there so we took them out. Then we ran to Delta who was sitting in her cage in complete and utter shock.

     "What are you two doing here?" Delta asked.

     "Getting you out of here," Annabeth started.

     "What else?" I finished. We quickly broke the lock and got her out. She hugged us both.

     "Thanks guys," she thanked us. "But when we get back at camp I want to know why you did this. And you better have a good reason because this wasn't part of the plan."

     "We will but we've got to go because-" Annabeth was cut off by the sound of the horn. "They're coming back." We ran to the outskirts of the forest then to camp. When we arrived Jason, Leo, Piper, and Percy ran up to us.

     "Where were you two?" Percy asked.

     "Yeah none of us saw you two in battle," Jason added. Then I realized they haven't seen Delta yet because she's standing behind us.

     "Don't worry," I started.

     "We have a very good reason," Annabeth finished. We both stepped aside revealing Delta. They were all shocked as their mouths dropped.

     Percy was the first to speak, "Delta?" She ran up and hugged him. She then hugged the others as well.

     "Ok you wanna tell us what you two did now?" Piper asked.

     "We went to go get her while all the monster were attacking camp," I explained. "It was Annabeth's idea."

     Percy went up to Annabeth and gave her a hug and kiss. "Thanks wise girl."

     "No problem seaweed brain," she replied.

     "Ok can you tell me why you did it though," Delta said. "It wasn't part of the plan."

     "Can't you just be happy they got you?" Leo asked.

     "Yeah does there have to be a reason?" Jason asked.

     "Yes. There's always a reason to why someone helped you," Delta replied. I know immediately she was referring to her past.

     "Because if we didn't get you the monster would figure we'll attack later to get you. But if we already had you there's no reason to attack. That way they're not expecting it," Annabeth explained.

     "So really you came to get me to help with the plan. Not to come and get me to just come and get me," Delta put the pieces together.
     "No," I objected. "Annabeth only come up with the idea because she wanted to get you so badly." Delta nodded not believing me and walked away.

     "Okay what was that about?" Leo asked.

     "Annabeth, Percy I'm guessing you already know she was adopted by a terrible family," I started. They both nodded. "Well there's more to it. A lot more."

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now