24 Hours

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-Delta's POV-

When I woke up I was alone. A few minutes later a group of people walking in to where I was. It was Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, and Leo. I noticed John wasn't with them and quickly remembered why. I wanted to cry but held it back. They stared at me like this was a dream. "Delta?" Percy asked. "Are you awake?"

I couldn't help a sarcastic remark as I replied, "No I'm asleep."

"Yep she is definitely awake," Leo confirmed. They all walked over to my bed.

"Are you alright?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah you weren't supposed to wake for a few more hours," Piper added.

"Yeah I'm fine," I replied. "Maybe not emotionally. But I'm fine. Did I make a fast recovery?"

"Fastest recovery I've every seen," Jason replied.

"Where are we exactly?" I asked.

"Camp Jupiter," Percy answered.

"What about the war?" I questioned.

"We're gonna go back in 24 hours when we know it's safe at Camp Half-Blood," Annabeth replied.

Now that I knew what was happening I asked one more question. "Can you guys please leave? I want to be alone." They all looked kinda reluctant but thankfully they left. I couldn't hold it back anymore as I broke down in tears.

-Percy's POV-

It's been ten hours since we left Delta alone. She won't come out, and she won't eat. I'm worried about her. But now it was time to go to sleep, so we went to our tents and fell asleep. I was sleeping peacefully until Annabeth woke me up. "Let meh sleep," I groaned.

"No seaweed brain," Annabeth replied. "You have to get up now. We leave in four hours we need to inform everyone and get the pegasi ready."

"Alright, alright. I'm up." I sat up in the bed. I then grabbed Annabeth and pulled her down tickling her.

     "Stop it!" She exclaimed. "Percy!" After a minute I finally stopped. "I hate you," she said. But she had a smile on her face.

     "You love me," I corrected her.

     "Sadly." We then kissed. After a minute we broke apart. She dragged me out of bed and we ate breakfast. We informed everyone to be ready to leave soon.

     A couple hours later we were all on our own pegasi. Delta on her pegacorn, Marie. We took off. It took forever to get there. Finally we had at least reached Manhattan. But what we saw was not good.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now