To Save The Camp One Will Die

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-Delta's POV-

I heard the horn sound so I ran out of my cabin to get ready for the next attack. I ran up to John, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, and Leo. But there was something different. There were looking at me differently. Their expressions were laced with sadness, worry, and pity. I didn't like it. The horn sounded again so the other campers ran into the forest to attack. They all started to go as well so I went to follow. Then they turned around and looked at me.

"You have to stay here," Percy told me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"And before you say anything it's not because you're not strong," Leo started.

"Because you're the strongest person we know," Piper continued.

"We just really," Jason started.

"Don't want," John continued.

"You to," Annabeth added.

"Get hurt," Percy finished.

"You can't stop me," I protested.

"I just did," Percy replied. "You're staying here. And that's final." Then they all took off leaving me in their dust.

I wasn't going to stand for this so I did the first thing I could think of. I flipped off Percy as he was running. Once they were all out of sight I did the second thing I thought of. "Marie!" I called. She arrived in seconds.

"Yes boss," Marie answered.

"Come on we have some orders to disobey," I told her then mounted her. We took off in the sky. We weren't that high up. We were just above the trees watching the battle.

I was looking for where it was the worse to help. Then I spotted John. He was fighting a group of monsters. And he was doing pretty well. Then I saw a monster behind him not too far away. They raised a spear getting ready to throw it at John's back. I didn't even think. My body took over. We dived down. The monster threw the spear. I got in front of John's back. I wish I could say I caught the spear majestically or something like that. But that wasn't the case. The spear hit me in the chest knocking me off of Marie sending me to the ground. Thankfully Marie kept flying. I didn't want her to get hurt as well.

That's when John noticed me. "Delta!" He yelled. But it was faint to me. He ran over to me and kneeled down. "You're gonna be okay. Everything's gonna fine," he tried to assure me. As much as I wanted to believe him I knew it wasn't true. I was dying. And nothing could change that. He pulled the spear out of my chest and it hurt like hell. "I'm going to fix you." Though I think he was trying to convince himself. He started to try to stop the blood.

"John," I whispered barely audible. "Don't. It's too late for me."

I saw he had tears in his eyes as he said, "No. Don't say that. You're gonna be fine."

By this time I was crying. "No. I'm not." As if right on cue I coughed up blood.

"I can't lose you. I love you."

I gave a weak smile and said, "I love you to." Then everything went black.

Please don't hate me! I have my reasons for doing this. Just please keep reading and life shall make sense. Peace.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now