Plans change?

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-Annabeth's POV-

     After we got the message from Marie we held a meeting. We told the counselors what Marie had said.

     "What exactly was the plan again?" Travis asked.

     "The plan was that when the monsters attack tonight we defend the camp and kill as many as possible. Then when they retreat after a few hours we attack them when their tired," I explained. "That was the plan." Everyone looked at me weird. "The new plan is to attack now." I looked at Percy and John and gave them a smile. "We're getting Delta back."

     "I thought Delta said to stick with the plan," Jason pointed out.

     "I know what she said. But plans change," I countered.

     "Annabeth you're letting your emotions cloud your judgement," Leo announced.

     "No I'm not," I argued. "Delta is more important than this."

     "Think about it Annabeth," Piper spoke. "Delta said to stick to the plan. Wouldn't she have a reason?" I did think about. Maybe I was letting my emotions cloud my judgement.

     "Are we seriously debating this?" Percy asked getting mad. "My sister is out there and we're arguing about weather or no to go get her."

     "I'm with Percy on this," John joined in. "We should be getting her right now." I was about to say we're going to get her when an image appeared in the middle of the ping pong table. It was Delta.

     "Oh good," she started. "I caught you all." Everyone was too shocked to speak. She looked straight at me. "Annabeth I know you. You're probably changing the plan to come and get me. Aren't you?" I nodded. "Don't. You need to stick to the plan and here's why. The army is expecting you guys to attack now out of anger. You won't win. But if you stick to the plan and let them come to you and then attack later they won't be ready. You can get me then."

     "You've really thought this out haven't you?" I asked her impressed.

     "Like you said. I could've been the daughter of Athena," she replied with a smile.

     "Well it is a plan worthy of Athena," I replied. "We'll stick with the plan. But we are going to get you during the attack."

     "I wouldn't have it any other way. They're coming. I have to go. Be safe." Then the image disappeared. I couldn't help but think, I should be saying that to you. Everyone was looking at me.

     "Well you heard her," I told them. "We stick to the plan. Spread the word. Get ready to defend with all we've got."

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now