A Life For A Life

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-John's POV-

     She had stopped breathing. "No. No!" I cried out. "Come back to me!" I started to do anything I could to hopefully bring her back. Which sadly wasn't much. I started to sob into her chest. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was gone. She was really gone. I would do anything to bring her back.

     I continued to sob when I felt a pain in my chest. I got off of Delta and saw something peculiar. Her wound...it was healing. It was closing itself. I looked down at my own chest and saw the same wound Delta had start to appear. Immediately I knew what was happening. I didn't know how. I didn't know why. But I was grateful. Deltas life was going to be saved. At the cost of mine. Eventually Deltas wound was completely healed and my new wound was completely open. The pain became to much and I fell to the ground. At that same time Delta shot up with a gasp of air.

     She looked around shocked but then her eyes landed on me. "What did you do?!" She practically screamed.

     I was in a lot of pain so I was barely able to whisper out weakly, "A life...for a life."

     "Why, John? Why?"

     "I couldn't...let you...die."

     "But now you're going to die."

     I gave a weak smile and replied, "Worth it." I knew I had no time left so with the last of my strength I whispered weakly, "Just be good." My vision started to disappear and the last thing I felt before I was gone...was her lips...pressed against mine.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now