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(Sorry for the late update. School is being annoying, and I'm lazy.)

     -Delta's POV-

     I looked back and saw Camp Jupiter getting smaller as I flew away.

     I was thinking when Marie asked, "So where we going boss?"

     "You don't have to call me boss, Marie," I replied.

     "I know, but it's fun."

     "Well to answer your question we're going to the Hollywood sign."

     "You got it boss." With that we continued to fly to my death.

-Leo's POV-(Finally)

     We were talking about the prophecy when Hazel barged in the room.

     Frank stood up and said, "Hazel? What are you doing here?"

     Then Percy stood up and said, "Where's Delta?"

     "That's what I'm here for," Hazel replied. "She left."

     "What?!" we all screamed at once.
     "She ran off, got on a Pegasus, with a horn?"

     "Pegacorn, go on," Piper said.

     "Ok? Then she flew off," Hazel finished.

     "Did anything provoke her?" Percy asked.

     I tried to lighten the mood by saying, "Wow Percy. Congratulations, you used a big word." Everyone chuckled. Percy glared at me.

     "Anyway," Hazel started. "Something did provoke her."

     "What?" John asked.

     "She said she knew who was going to die."

     "Who is it?" Piper asked.

     "She said it was her."

"We have to go after her," Percy said.

"Well duh," Annabeth replied.

I think Annabeth grew a liking to Delta. She may be Percy's little sister but she's a lot like Annabeth. Everyone nodded their head and we ran out of the room. We went to where our pegasi were. We all mounted our pegasi and took off.

-Annabeth's POV-

     I kind of saw this coming. I shouldn't have left Delta with Hazel, knowing she would probably do this. Then I remembered back to our talk with Thalia and what Delta told me.


After Delta was done squealing Thalia brought up the topic I didn't want to discuss.

"I have a question," Thalia started. "What does the prophecy say anyway?"

Delta looked at me probably wanting me to explain. So I did. "It says, Poseidon's youngest shall travel west, To greet the army with the best, To save the camp one will die, And they shall fight with all their might, To see the world in a trance, They shall end the endless dance."

     "Wow," was Thalia's response. "Who do you think is going to die?"

     I was about to answer when Delta said, "It's probably going to be me."

     I looked at her and said, "You don't know that."

     "Yeah I do. This whole prophecy is about me. Who's to say that line isn't."

     "I'm saying it isn't. I'm not going to let you die. No one is going to let you die. And I know damn sure Percy ain't going to let you die."

     "Ain't isn't a word."

     "Don't you think I know that."

     "Yeah," I saw her smiling.

     I heard Thalia trying not to laugh. "What?" I asked her.

     "She is just like you. I'm surprised she's not a daughter of Athena," she replied.

     "Me to," I said. I looked at Delta and said, "You'd make a cool half sister."

     "You to," she replied.

     Then we went to sleep. However in the middle of the night Delta woke up screaming.

     I went over to her asked, "What is it?"

     She replied, "It's me."

     "What do you mean?"

     "I'm going to die on this quest."

     "Once again, you don't know that."

     "I do now. My dad just confirmed it." She looked at me with pain in her eyes.

     "Then we'll all protect you."

     "No. I can't put any of you in danger when only one of us needs to die."

     "None of us care about that. You listen to me now. You are not going to die."

     Tears started to roll down her face. "I don't want to die."

     I pulled her into a hug and said, "And you're not going to." Eventually she calmed down and we went back to sleep.

~End of Flashback~

     I kept on thinking when Percy yelled, "There it is!" And sure enough there was the Hollywood sign and I could see the army of monsters. Then a thought popped into my head. Where's Delta? That's when I saw her and it didn't look good. She was surrounded by monsters.

Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Great Prophecy (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now