Chapter 4: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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Harry opened his eyes. The sun was shining through gaps in the curtains. He looked over at Ron's bed to see a red-haired boy staring at him sheepishly.

", Harry, mate...I'm sorry...a-about yesterday. I was being a prat. You didn't mean to leave the Great Hall late...and I-I know you wouldn't let me down on, I suppose it was just an...erm...coincidence that you met Hermione on the way back, right? Something like that..."

By this point, Harry could tell that Ron was trying more to assure himself that Harry hadn't meant to let him down as oppose to assuring Harry that the whole thing wasn't a big deal to Ron at all. Harry, however, counted his blessings and decided to forgive Ron after apologising for leaving him hanging.

"Hey, yesterday Hagrid sent me an owl inviting me to go and visit him on Friday afternoon. I was just wondering if you'd like to come, it'll be great, I'm sure!" Harry asked Ron hopefully.

"Yeah, I don't see why not. Wonder how big Hagrid's house is...must be massive to fit him in there!"

A surge of relief flooded through Harry. Parts one and two of his and Hermione's plan were done. Now all that was left was to talk to Ron about Hermione, but, as Ron was currently in good spirits, Harry decided he'd save it for later.


Once they were dressed, the two boys went down to the common room where they found Hermione sitting by herself on one of the red armchairs reading.

"Hey," Harry grinned and winked at her, holding up two fingers away from Ron's view to tell her that he had done two of the things that he said he would. Hermione smiled back at him happily before continuing to read what looked to be a book about a variety of strange magical creatures that Harry did not recognise.

"Want to go down for breakfast, mate?" Ron asked, oblivious to Harry and Hermione's secret scheming.

"Sure," Harry glanced back at Hermione who was watching him jubilantly and he mouthed, see you later, before hurrying from the common room after Ron.


"Mmm, 'vis is rea'y good, 'arry!" Ron said through a large mouthful of bacon.

"Yeah, it is," Harry replied, slightly disgusted.

"Oh," Ron swallowed his food,"that Hermione girl, she's a bit weird, right?"

Harry didn't know what to say. Of course, he didn't think that Hermione was weird at all, but that was not what Ron wanted to hear. In the end, Harry simply said,"hmm," in response.

Minutes later, Hermione walked in. She slowly approached Harry and Ron. As she passed, Hermione gave Harry an apprehensive look, but Harry shook his head slightly in response to her silent question: have you asked him yet?

Looking dispirited, Hermione gave Harry a small nod of comprehension before walking to the far end of the Gryffindor table, far away from Ron and Harry.

"Mental, she is," Ron scoffed,"thinks she's all that..."

Harry seized this opportunity,"Look, Ron. I think you should lay off of Hermione a bit. You're being a bit unfair to her, I mean, you don't even know her and you're still being a bit of a git. Besides, she's really nice once you get to know her, please can you just give her a chance?"

Ron's now angry eyes met Harry's hopeful ones. Harry's heart sank, it wasn't going to work.

"What the bloody hell has gotten into you, mate?" Ron shouted, standing up abruptly, as though he was about to leave,"I thought we were friends! She's absolutely mental! Has she hypnotised you or something? She's awful! I can't stand her and there's nothing you can say that'll make me!"

It Could Have Gone That Way; A Harmione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now