Chapter 77: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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"And that's the second time we've saved your life tonight, you two-faced bastard!" Ron yelled furiously after Draco Malfoy, who was sprinting down the Charms corridor.

The war had begun. Ron, Harry and Hermione had gone through with their plan almost successfully; they had acquired the Horcrux from Bellatrix LeStrange's Gringotts vault, but Griphook had taken the sword of Gryffindor from them and left the trio to die there. Luckily, Hermione had come up with an ingenious plan that involved them riding a very large dragon through the glass roof of the bank and flying as far away as they possibly could. Harry had then instructed them all to jump from the dragon's back as they flew over a lake and, after treating their injuries, they realised the only logical place left to look for a Horcrux would be in Hogwarts itself. They had travelled on foot all the way to Hogsmeade, where they had met Aberforth, Professor Dumbledore's younger brother. He had shown them a painting of his deceased sister Ariana which was also a secret passageway to Hogwarts. Ariana had disappeared from the frame, and returned shortly. The portrait had swung open to reveal none other than Neville Longbottom. He had taken them back to the Gryffindor common room through the passageway, where a whole army of extremely excited Hogwarts students were awaiting the trio's arrival. A decision was made that the trio would keep their return a secret from everyone else for a while, before they were able to take Professor Snape by surprise. Shocked at Harry's return to the castle, Snape had pulled out his wand to duel him, but McGonagall had forced Harry out of her way and duelled Snape herself, instead. Snape fled, and the Death Eaters started to arrive. Soon enough, the war had begun. The trio hadn't seen any of their friends since the start of the war, and they had been beginning to fear the worst. That was, until-

"Ron!" Someone shouted from the other end of the corridor.

"Ginny!" Ron turned around first, sprinting towards his sister, inexplicably glad to see her.

Harry took the chance to turn to Hermione and voice a thought that had been snowballing itself in the back of his mind for a while. "Hermione, I need to go-"

"No." Hermione replied sharply,"No. No, absolutely not. I won't let you, Harry, you aren't going to him."

Harry sighed; he knew she'd take it like this,"But, Hermione, there was a prophecy. 'Neither can live while the other survives', that's what it said. One of us is going to have to die, in the end."

"Then it won't be you." Hermione said gently, placing a hand on each of Harry's shoulders,"I believe in you, Harry, you're the strongest person I know. You can survive this, I know you can."

Harry felt a hot tear form in his eye and a lump rise in his throat as she said this. Taking Hermione by surprise, he threw his arms around her and tried with all of his might to push away his tears. Hermione stood still for a moment, bemused, before she gently put her arms around Harry and kissed his forehead.

"I believe in you." She repeated in what was almost a whisper.

"Harry? Hermione?" Ginny spoke up again as she and Ron slowly made their way back down the corridor.

Harry pulled away, certain any trace of a tear was gone. "Ginny, is everyone okay?"

"As far as I know." She nodded,"You've got the diadem, then?"

"Yeah." Harry plunged his hand into his pocket and produced Ravenclaw's diadem.

A small smile appeared on Ginny's face,"Neville's got the sword."

"He's...he's what?" Hermione gasped incredulously,"Has he really?"

"Yes! He said he found it in the Sorting Hat!"

Harry grinned,"That's brilliant! Take the diadem to him, quickly; he needs to stab it with the sword." He thrust the diadem into Ginny's hand.

"I will." Ginny turned to Ron,"Come with me, will you? I don't want to go on my own."

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