Chapter 82: Harry Potter and the 19 Years

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"Ah, here comes the birthday boy!"

Just hearing these words come from Mrs. Weasley's mouth was enough to stop him in his tracks. He had suspected the day would open like this, with everyone wanting to talk to him and celebrate with him, when all Harry really wanted to do was sleep. When he had woken up, he had been reminded of Bill and Fleur's wedding the previous summer, and how much that - until, of course, the arrival of the Death Eaters - had lifted everyone's spirits in those dark times. They were all trying to do the same that day. They were trying to turn Harry's Birthday into Bill and Fleur's wedding. Harry knew they didn't mean to upset him, but he didn't want to celebrate. The war had been months ago, Harry knew that, but he was still grieving. They all were. The effects of the war had left their mark on Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys more than it had on most other people, and Harry had no idea how long it would take for that pain to end.

"Harry, dear, are you all right?" Molly called up as Harry continued to stare blankly into space on the stairs.

"Oh, um, yes! Yeah, thanks, everyone." Harry carried on walking and grinned at everyone.

The Weasleys and Hermione were gathered in the kitchen of the Burrow, smiling at him. Harry was glad to see them all there, despite their reason, and grinned even wider at the banner that was strung above the stove that said 'Happy Birthday, Harry!' in slightly wobbly writing.

"Sleep well, mate?" Ron asked with a smirk,"It's only half eleven, you know. There's still time to go back to bed, if you want."

"I'm all right, thanks." Harry told him, trying not to sound irritable.

"Breakfast, everyone!" Molly called in a sing-sing voice, even though everyone was already staring at her impatiently as she began plating up the food.

In a matter of seconds, Harry's plate was piled with a mountain of food that he could barely see over, and he tucked in gratefully.

After breakfast, Molly led everyone into the living room to give Harry his presents. Harry sat down next to Hermione (who, Harry noticed with a smile, was wearing the burgundy jumper he had once gotten her) on the sofa as people began thrusting presents at him from every direction. Laughing, Harry took Ron's first. It was a bar of Shock-o-Choc and and a belt with a strange leather pouch attached to it.

"What-?" Harry started.

"It's a wand pocket." Ron explained,"You use it like a belt but your wand goes in it, too, see?"

"Oh, like a sheath, but for a wand?"

"What's a sheath?"

"Nevermind." Harry said quickly, pulling out his wand. He slotted it into the pouch, but it did not fit at all.

Ron's ears went red,"Oh wasn't sure what size your wand was, so I guessed. Sorry about that."

"That's all right." Harry, who knew he would probably never have used it anyway, assured him," long is it?"

"Nine inches, I think. Maybe nine and a half...dunno."

"Thanks, mate." Harry said,"At least it'll look nice as a belt, eh? I can still use it."

The rest of the present giving went very much the same way, and it wasn't long before Harry had received a gift from everyone apart from Hermione.

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