Chapter 58: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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"Harry! Harry, dat's a pulse, Harry, I'b sure id is!" Neville moved his blood-covered hands away from Hermione's wrist. On his way across the room, Neville had tripped on Dolohov's body and banged his nose on a desk. It was now swollen and bleeding.

"Are you s-sure?" Harry looked up.


Such a powerful wave of relief swept through Harry that for a moment he felt light headed. Wiping his eyes, he asked,"Sh-she's alive?"

"Yeah, I dink so."

"Well...well what an we do? How to we stop this? How do we bring her back?" Harry squeezed his eyes shut to stop more tears from falling.

"Uh...uh...didn'd she deach you a spell?" Neville said,"A...a rennerbate or someding?"

Of course. Hermione had told him about that spell! Hands shaking, Harry pulled out his wand, praying he could improvise the spell well enough, praying it would work. "Rennervate!"

Nothing happened.


Still nothing.

"RENNERVATE!" Harry made a wild swishing movement with his hand.

Hermione's nose wrinkled. Then, her eyelids fluttered and she propped herself up on her elbows, blinking at Harry. "Nnng..." she groaned.

Harry couldn't believe it had worked. She was alive. She was okay. Flinging his arms around her, he did something he'd never done before, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Harry? Are you okay? Why are you crying? What happened?"

Chest rising and falling quickly, Harry closed his eyes and whispered,"I...I thought you were dead."

"Oh, Harry..."

"I thought you'd left me." His voice cracked.

"No. No, I would never leave you." Hermione hugged him tightly, wincing a little.

It was only when he heard a nervous cough from behind him that Harry remembered Neville was still in the room.


Lupin put his arms around Harry from behind to stop him from running into the veil.

"SIRIUS!" Harry screamed,"SIRIUS!" The unbearable pain was back. Harry's breath came in searing gasps as his eyes moved between the veil and Bellatrix.

"There's nothing you can do, Harry-" Lupin insisted, trying to hide the pain from his voice.

The only two hooded Death Eaters remaining were stunned quickly by Hermione, and they dropped their grip on her and Neville as they collapsed. The other Order members had already led everyone else out of the room.

"Get him - save him - he's only just gone through!"

"-it's too late Harry."

Harry heard sobs from behind him. He had thought Neville and Hermione were going to die at the hands of Bellatrix. She had performed the Cruciatus curse on each of them in turn until Harry had said he would hand over the prophecy, much to the despair of both Neville and Hermione. Their screams had been enough to make his scar burn red hot.

"We can still reach him-" Harry struggled. Lupin wouldn't let go. "We can...I...let-"

"He can't come back, Harry." Lupin was growing tired,"He can't come back because he's d-"

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