Chapter 16: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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"Ron's got himself a Howler!" Seamus Finnigan's eyes bulged at the bright red envelope that hovered inches away from Ron's trembling face.

"Don't worry, Ron." Hermione said, carefully lifting Errol - the Weasleys' pet owl - out of her bowl of cereal and pushing it away from her,"He's alright. Just a bit wet. Look, you have to open that letter, or you'll be in even more trouble than-" She squealed as a grey owl flew straight into her milk jug, knocking it over. In it's beak was a letter addressed to Hermione.

Peering at it, Harry could recognise the handwriting as whichever one of her parents had written her birthday card from last September. He looked up at Hermione, who was already looking at him. Her face had gone very pale, but she stuffed the letter into her bag, gave the school owl a treat and turned back to Ron.

"Well? Are you going to open it?" She asked him bossily.

"Erm...I dunno..."

"You'd better open it." Neville said anxiously,"I ignored a Howler from my gran once - it was horrible."

"What's a Howler?" Harry asked timidly, suddenly feeling rather stupid.

"I don't know." Hermione looked wearily at the envelope,"But it doesn't look too good."

They turned to Ron, but his whole attention was fixed on the letter; it had begun to smoke at the corners and was trembling quite aggressively.

"Open it, mate. It'll all be over with in a few minutes." Seamus grinned.

"Probably." Dean Thomas covered his mouth to hide his smile.

Ron took a deep breath,"Okay, here goes nothing!" He stretched out a shaking hand and peeled the envelope open. Neville, Dean and Seamus stuffed their fingers into their ears. A second later, Harry and Hermione knew exactly why. A roar of sound filled the entire Great Hall as Molly Weasley's voice screeched:

"Ronald Weasley, how dare you steal that car? I am absolutely disgusted! You, Harry and Hermione could have all been killed! Your father's now facing an inquiry at work, and it's entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home!" The terrifying voice softened,"Oh and Ginny, dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor; your father and I are so proud." With that, the envelope burst into flames, crumpled up and fell into the large pool of milk on the table.

Nobody in the entire Great Hall was talking. Every eye in the room was on the trio, who were all a very deep shade of crimson. As Neville, Dean and Seamus unplugged their ears slowly, the trio shared anxious looks. Now everyone in the whole school knew what they had done. Looking around him, Harry could see most of the Gryffindor table glaring icily at them.


Their first lesson of the day was Herbology with Professor Sprout. As the trio made their way down to the greenhouses, however, they met Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Oh, hello there! Just been showing Professor Sprout the right way to doctor a Whomping Willow. But I don't want you all running away with the idea that I'm better at Herbology than she is; I just happen to have met several of these exotic plants on my travels!" He winked and flashed them a gleaming smile.

A huffy-looking Professor Sprout had appeared and instructed them to go to greenhouse three instead of greenhouse one. Ron, Harry and Hermione went over and began to walk in, but, as Harry reached the entrance, Lockhart placed a firm hand on his shoulder and asked Professor Sprout whether it would be okay to borrow Harry for a minute. Before she could answer, Harry felt himself being pulled off by Lockhart.

"Harry, Harry, Harry..." He shook his head dramatically,"I couldn't believe it when I heard. It's all my fault, of course."

"Erm..." Harry didn't know what to say,"Sorry, Sir?"

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