Chapter 52: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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"Harry?" Hermione said quietly as the pair approached the Room of Requirement for the final Dumbledore's Army meeting before the Christmas holidays. Harry and Hermione were going to try and teach everyone how to produce a Patronus.

"Yes, Hermione?"

"Just be careful today." She said in a strained voice,"I heard Fred and George telling Ginny they've spiked the Room of Requirement with enchanted mistletoe. Apparently it appears when two people are standing underneath it and are having an emotionally bonding moment." Harry snorted. "Fred's words, not mine." Hermione said defensively,"They said they were hoping one would catch Ron out, but they'd be glad if it got anyone."

"Thanks. I'll just try to stay at least three feet away from everyone while I'm in there." Harry smirked as the pair reached the Room of Requirement.

Harry was extremely careful the whole way through the session. At least, until the very end. As he wished everyone a Merry Christmas, thanked them for coming and congratulated them on their Patronus charms, Harry's eyes stayed on Cho Chang, who was watching the photo of Cedric Diggory that Harry had taped to the mirror.

Hermione must have noticed him watching Cho, for she suddenly spoke up tensely,"I'll...I'll see you in the common room, Harry," She backed away slowly and disappeared from the room.

Once everyone else had left, Harry made his way over to Cho. He felt something twist up inside his belly, and he wasn't sure if it was nerves or guilt.

"Harry..." Cho whispered as he reached her.


"Learning all just made me wonder," she sighed deeply,"whether...if Cedric knew what we do now...if he'd have survived."

Harry didn't know what to say to her,"Oh...oh, no. He-he did know all this stuff. He just didn't have...have time to use it."

"Oh. I see." Cho looked extremely downhearted.

"He was a great wizard." Harry assured her,"Voldemort was just better."

Something crackled from above their heads. They looked up. Cho gasped. Harry felt sick.

"Mistletoe." Cho breathed, leaning in.

About a million alarms started ringing in Harry's head. This is your first kiss! Should it be with Cho? Why are you doubting yourself, she's amazing? She's grieving! Do you even like her? Is this right? This can't be right. But it's what you wanted. Was it really what you wanted? Why didn't you listen to Hermione?

Cho's smooth lips touched Harry's. He didn't like it one bit. He stepped away, terrified. The tearful girl that stood before Harry looked like a rabbit caught in headlights. A silence that was so unbearably awkward filled the air.

"Uh..." Harry muttered,"M-Merry Christmas."

"You too." Cho said quickly before storming out of the room, crying.

"Bloody hell." Harry said to himself before picking up his bag and leaving the room.


Ron's mouth was hanging so low that it was almost on the floor,"You kissed who?"

"I didn't kiss anyone!" Harry replied defiantly,"Cho kissed me, and I pulled away!"

Hermione had gone extremely pale by this point,"Oh." Her voice cracked, although she had only whispered.

"What was it like, mate?" Ron asked, grinning broadly now.

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