Chapter 21: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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"Harry!" Hermione ran into the common room, out of breath and looking quite upset.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" Harry put down his quill and stood up, abandoning his half-finished essay on the Arania Exumai charm.

Shaking her head and catching her breath, Hermione spoke,"I've just checked the notice board and almost everyone's going home for the holidays now!"

"What, because of the attack on Justin and Nick yesterday?"

Hermione nodded.

"Wait," Harry raised his eyebrows,"Malfoy, Millicent, Crabbe and Goyle are staying, right?"

"Yes, although they're pretty much the only ones."

"What about Gryffindor? How many of us are staying?"

Hermione closed her eyes, trying to remember,"No one else in my dorm...only you and Ron from yours...none of the other Weasleys - I'm not sure how Ron persuaded his mother to let him stay whilst they all go to Egypt - a couple of fifth years...a third year...oh yes, and Colin Creevey."

"Great." Harry said grimly,"Creevey can take pictures of us drinking Polyjuice Potion and show them to Snape..."

"Don't be so hard on him." Hermione lectured,"He's just a fan."

"But normal people don't have fans, Hermione!" Harry didn't quite catch himself before he said that.

Hermione looked at him sadly, took his hand and squeezed it. She glanced around anxiously for a distraction,"Do you need help with your essay?"

"Yeah, thanks." They both sat down onto the sofa and Hermione read through Harry's essay, correcting the odd spelling and telling him how to correctly describe Arania Exumai's effects.

Neither one of them noticed that they were still holding hands.


It was the first day of the Christmas holidays and the trio were relaxing in the common room.

"Y'know," Ron sat up suddenly,"I've always wondered what Polyjuice Potion tastes like."

Hermione sighed,"For the last time, Ron, it tastes like whoever you want to turn into."

"Yuck!" Ron spat.

"Essence of Goyle. Delicious." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Great." Ron whined.

Hermione sighed,"What?"

"Now I'm hungry." Ron sulked.

Harry and Hermione burst out laughing.

"What?" Ron frowned.

"How did talking about drinking Slytherins make you hungry?" Harry laughed.

Ron shrugged.

"I suppose it is dinner time. Should we go down to the Great Hall?"

"All right, then." Harry grinned.

"Ooh, d'you think there'll be chicken? 'Cause I really want some chicken..."

Hermione followed the boys out of the portrait hole,"I doubt it. But I'm pretty sure you can survive without..."

It Could Have Gone That Way; A Harmione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now