Chapter 36: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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Ron, Harry and Hermione ran down to the Great Hall after getting changed. Although there were only ten minutes until dinner time, they were almost alone in the hall, and none of them felt much like eating. Once they had sat down, Ron motionlessly stared at the wall, Harry felt empty inside, and Hermione buried her head in her arms, probably crying. They didn't want to talk. Then, however, swaggered up the one thing that could always make everything worse: Malfoy.

"What's wrong, Mudblood?" He simpered,"Lost your hanky? A boo-hoo!"

Hermione stood up abruptly and stormed towards Malfoy, pushing him backwards until his back was against the wall. Fist right in his face, she snarled,"You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach! This is all your fault! And your nasty father's!" She had to stand on her toes to reach Malfoy's height, but that didn't stop her from going on,"What if it was you? What if you were in Buckbeak's position? Say I insulted you and you kicked me. Say my father persuaded the Ministry to have you executed just because you kicked me. How would you feel?"

Unfortunately for Hermione, Malfoy hadn't seemed to want to listen to her. "Ooh, so you're saying I could get you executed for punching me the other day? Good idea, Mudblood. But in the meantime-" Malfoy kicked Hermione hard in the shin.

Harry stood up quickly and tore towards Malfoy. Nose-to-nose with him, Harry felt the fight rising in his throat,"If you touch Hermione one more time, I'll hurt you. I'll hurt you so much, you will never be the same again, do you hear me?"

"Oh, I hear you, Scarface." Malfoy tittered,"Pity Potter's having to come along and stuck up for his weak little pet-"

Suddenly, Harry had lunged for Malfoy, and Hermione's arms were tightly around Harry's waist and elbows, holding him back.

"Harry, stop! You're overreacting!" Hermione was losing her grip.

"You're - underreacting!" Harry struggled.

Malfoy darted sideways and bolted out of the door.

"That's still not a word! Calm down."

He did. "Sorry..."

"Never mind." Hermione released him and the pair walked back over to Ron, who was staring incredulously at them. "Come on, let's go to Hagrid's."

"But he said-" Ron started.

"We're going, no matter what Hagrid says. Hermione turned to Harry, a hard, blazing look in her eyes,"Where's your cloak?"

"One-eyed witch statue. The passageway we went through. If Snape sees me anywhere near there, I'm dead."

"That's true." Hermione made for the door,"If he sees you. It's Dissendium you have to say, isn't it? And tap it with your wand?" Harry nodded. "Both of you had better eat something." That was all she said before running from the Great Hall.

Rather scared, the boys hurried across the room, helped themselves to some pork and dug in. A quarter of an hour later, Hermione returned with the silvery cloak folded up the front of her jacket.

"Hermione, I don't know what's gotten into you lately." Ron said, astounded,"First you hit Malfoy, then you walk out on Trelawney, and now..." he gestured to the small lump over her stomach.

Hermione looked flattered.


"They...they did it." Hermione breathed as the slicing of an axe resounded through the grounds,"They've actually k-killed him." She put her arms around Harry's shoulders and sobbed into him.

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