Chapter 72: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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"I've been thinking. I-I want to go to Godric's Hollow."

"Yes." Hermione nodded,"Yes, I've been wondering that too. I really think we have to."

Harry frowned,"Did you hear me right?"

"Of course I did." Hermione said,"You want to go to Godric's Hollow. I do, too. I mean, I can't think of anywhere else it could be. It'll be dangerous, but the more I think about it, the more likely it seems it's there."

"Er - what's there?" Harry asked, bemused.

"The sword, Harry! I thought Dumbledore must have known you'd want to go back there. Besides, Godric's Hollow is Godric Gryffindor's birthplace-"

"Really?" Harry gaped at her,"Gryffindor came from Godric's Hollow?"

Hermione rolled her eyes,"Harry, did you ever open A History of Magic?"

"Erm." Harry chuckled,"I might've opened it, you know, when I bought it...just the once..."

"Well, as the village is named after him, I'd have thought you might have made the connection." Hermione smiled. She sounded much like her old self than she had done since the trio had left the Burrow, and Harry half expected her to announce that she was off to the library. "Bathilda Bagshot lived there, too. Actually, I think she still does."


Hermione rolled her eyes once more,"Apparently you didn't even look at your copy of A History of Magic. She's the author, Harry. If she-" Hermione suddenly gasped so dramatically that Harry's insides turned over. He drew his wand, turning to look at the entrance, half expecting to see something horrible forcing its way through the tent flap, but there was nothing there.

"What?" He said, half angry, half relieved,"What did you do that for? I thought you'd seen a...a Death Eater, at least-"

"Harry, what if Bathilda's got the sword? What if Dumbledore left it to her?" Hermione breathed excitedly.

"Yeah, he might've done! So, are we going to go to Godric's Hollow or not?"

"Yes, Harry, but we'll have to think it through." Hermione said,"We need to plan out exactly what we're going to do - how we're going to do it - how long it'll take - hold on, I'll make a list." She jumped up from the floor and hurried over to their planning table to grab a quill, ink, and her moleskin notebook before rejoining Harry on the floor by his bed.

"A plan?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, a plan! Now, we could use Polyjuice Potion - I've still got some of Mad-Eye's left-"

"No." Harry said quickly,"We don't need to. No one there's going to recognise us."

"Well, of course they aren't going to recognise me, Harry," Hermione said sharply,"but I'm sure a lot of people are quite familiar with what you look like." She changed her tone immediately at the look on his face,"But, if you don't want to...I...I understand. At least, I understand as much as I can. We'll stay as us, you're right. Sorry."

"'S fine."

"Maybe," she said cautiously,"it would be safest to prepare some Polyjuice Potion anyway. Just in case we need it." Harry nodded in agreement. "Okay, we're obviously going to need to Disapparate, but should we do it under the cloak or with a Disillusionment Charm?" Hermione continued.

Harry smiled so broadly his cheeks began to hurt. He wanted to jump on Hermione and squeeze her tightly; it was the only way he could think of to express how happy he was that she was happy again. Composing himself, he said,"Cloak. Definitely the cloak."

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