Chapter 44: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

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"I can't believe she did that." Hermione said, climbing through the portrait hole.

Lavender was right there, staring happily at the ball of wet clothes in Hermione's hand.

"Why did you do that?" Harry growled.

"Because." Lavender said triumphantly,"Enjoy your jumper, freak."

Harry collected himself before shooting Lavender an icy glare and hurrying back through the portrait hole after Hermione, who had stormed out.

"Why does she always say that?" Hermione asked.

"Because," Harry caught up with her and grabbed her arm,"she's jealous. She's ordinary and you're special."

Hermione gave Harry a small smile,"Hardly."

Harry opened his mouth to argue.


The pair suddenly noticed the tall figure of Cedric Diggory peering at them.

"Cedric!" Harry jumped,"Hi..."

"Look, I didn't mean to interrupt anything, but I just wanted to tell you..." he looked around anxiously," know the prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor? Well, it's not a bad place for a bath, if you know what I mean." Cedric winked obnoxiously before striding away, clearly satisfied with himself.

"What the..."

"Oh!" Hermione gasped,"Harry, the egg! He's telling you to put the egg in the bath! Maybe then - when you open it - it'll give you the clue!"

Harry nodded suspiciously,"Right."

Then, the pair suddenly spotted a group of Ravenclaws and Slytherins striding towards them. Each of the students had on a disgusting green badge that read Potter Stinks! and had little lines coming from the text that Harry assumed represented how badly he stunk. It was now Hermione's turn to be angry.

She stormed up to the huddle of students and tore off Roger Davies' badge. Hermione flung it to the ground and stomped on it. "Did you see what that dragon was doing to him?" She roared,"Why would anyone choose that? Why?" The students trembled in response. "Exactly! So all of you'd better take off those badges right now, and tell everyone you know to do the same. And you know why? Because Harry didn't do anything! And I know that you know that, you just want someone to blame, and he's the only one you can think of, so you're pinning it on him!" Hermione ripped off both Millicent Bulstrode's and Pansy Parkinson's badges before stamping on them too and tearing back towards Harry.

Jogging to keep up with her, Harry said,"Blimey. Is that really what everyone's doing?"

"Not everyone. I spoke to Fleur and Cedric this morning. They both believe you're innocent. Fleur says she's been going round asking people to take off their badges, and she's been screaming at any Beauxbatons student she sees with one on. Cedric's been talking to the Hufflepuffs too, but I'm not sure they're all listening to him." Hermione sighed.

"And Viktor?"

"He still wants to kill you."

"Lovely." Harry smirked,"I thought you said it was best to ignore people who talk about you behind your back." He teased her.

It Could Have Gone That Way; A Harmione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now