Chapter 31: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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Dear Harry,

Hello! Bet you're surprised to see a letter from me. I can imagine you now: "Dear Merlin, Ron's written a letter!" You see, I wouldn't have written if it wasn't so importent-

Hermione made an irritable clicking noise with her tongue.

-that it couldn't wait. Remember I broke my wand in Dad's car last year? Well, Mum and Dad got me a new one for Christmas! It's totally wicked! I don't remember the specifications and stuff, but it's long, thin and brown. Hope that was helpful! Haha I'm so funny. Well, that's basically all I wanted to say, so Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (for next week)!

From your mate,
P.S. If you're reading this, Errol did make it over the Pacific Ocean!
P.P.S. Tell Hermione to get into the festive spirit of generosity and get rid of her bloody fur ball.

"Lovely." Hermione said flatly as the pair read through Ron's letter on Boxing Day.

Harry folded it up and put it on his bedside table, so as not to forget to write Ron a reply,"He doesn't mean anything by it." The glare that Hermione shot him was so hot, Harry hastily added,"Or maybe he's just...not a cat person."

That day was spent much like the all the others that holiday, up until the pair went to bed. Once again, Hermione asked if she could sleep in the boys dorm and Harry, who was just as eager to spend time with her as she was with him, said of course.

They talked for hours about nothing and everything all at once. Most of the conversation involved Black, the Marauder's Map and dementors, but some regarded softer topics such as Quidditch and past Christmases. After a while, the pair decided to call it a night and try to get some sleep.


Harry turned over. It was one o'clock in the morning and he was still awake. He peered at Hermione. She was turned away from him and breathing steadily, so Harry presumed she had been asleep for a while. Sighing sadly, Harry lay on his back and studied the blurry ceiling with little interest. Nothing happened for about five minutes, so Harry closed his eyes again. To his surprise, a soft humming came from Hermione's bed.

At first, Harry had thought she was sleep-humming or something of the sort, but he could see the whites of her eyes glinting with tiredness. The song she was humming sounded familiar...very familiar. Harry almost gasped when he remembered what it was. He waited for Hermione to finish the section she was on, then-

"Hey little train, wait for me-" He sang quietly.

"Harry!" Hermione bolted upright in bed like a rabbit caught in headlights,"I-I thought you were...wait, you know that song?"

Sitting up too, Harry shrugged,"O' Children? It plays on the radio a bit at the Dursleys. I like it." He paused,"Sorry I scared you."

"That's all right." Hermione seemed to have calmed down a little,"It's beautiful, isn't it? The song."


"It's my favourite song, I think."

"Mine too." Harry swung his legs over the edge of his bed with a small smile,"I can't sleep."

"Neither can I."

Sliding his glasses onto his face, Harry peered out of the window. He almost couldn't believe what he saw. Pressing his face to the glass, he whispered,"Hermione, look!"

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