Chapter 7: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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Malfoy seemed just as shocked that Harry and Ron were still at Hogwarts as he was about a long, thin package that had been carried into the hall by six owls and been dropped in front of Harry. Although the note attached from McGonagall clearly stated not to open it in the Great Hall, nobody had had any trouble figuring out that it contained a broom.

Harry and Ron were amazed when they unwrapped it after lessons back in the common room to discover that it was a Nimbus Two Thousand.

"Woah! A Nimbus Two Thousand! I've never even touched one! They're the best model ever!" Ron gazed longingly at it.

"What's so good about it, exactly?" Hermione walked up behind them and peered over their shoulders. She hadn't said a word to the boys at all since the incident the previous night.

"I thought you weren't speaking to us?" Ron raised an eyebrow at her.

"I just came down to give Harry his jumper back." She spat at Ron, before tossing Harry his jumper,"Thanks."

"Don't stop now, it's doing us so much good." Ron snarled.

Hermione marched away with her nose in the air. Harry had long since given up on trying to get Ron and Hermione to be able to stay in the same room as each other without starting to bite each other's heads off.


Harry woke up early on September 19th. As he got up, a smile spread across his face. Pulling his dressing gown on, Harry scanned the room to make sure all of the other boys were still asleep - which they were - before pulling the little lilac parcel out from inside his trunk.

Taking a deep breath, Harry slid through the half-open door before quietly shutting it behind him. He crept downstairs and saw exactly what he'd wanted to: Hermione was sitting alone on the sofa, reading. Grinning, Harry snuck up behind her.

"Happy birthday!" He whispered in her ear, causing her to squeal and leap up from the sofa, dropping her book.

"Harry!" She cried,"You scared me."

"That was the point." Harry laughed and walked around to the front of the sofa,"How are you?"

"Good. You?" Hermione replied as they both sat back down together.

"I'm great, thanks. Here you go!" Harry handed her the parcel.

"Oh, Harry, you didn't have to get me anything!"

"Of course I did." Harry couldn't wipe the smile from his face,"Well, open it, then!"

Hermione pulled the tag around so that she could read it. As her eyes sped across the little note, they slowly filled with tears.

"I...oh, Harry, thank you!" She leapt onto him and squeezed him into a tight hug.

"You've not even opened it yet!"

Hermione let go of Harry and gently peeled the lilac paper off of the little black box that the bracelet was in. She clicked open the tiny golden lock and lifted the lid. As she saw the bracelet, Hermione let out a gasp.

"Oh, Harry, it's beautiful! Thank you so much!" She hugged him again.

"Don't worry about it. D'you want me to help you put it on?" Harry asked.

"Yes please."

Harry fiddled around with the bracelet for ages, trying and trying to clip it around Hermione's right wrist. She didn't help at all, however much she had tried. Her left hand would try to guide Harry's right one as he fussed with the tiny silver clasp, but this only made his hand shake more.

It Could Have Gone That Way; A Harmione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now