Chapter 53: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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When Harry's eyes lazily opened on Christmas morning, Ron and Hermione were sitting on his bed, kissing. It wasn't just normal kissing, though. It was so passionate and intimate that Harry couldn't tell which body was whose. Suddenly filled with unexplainable anger, Harry sat up quickly.

"Harry!" Hermione squeaked,"What's wrong?"

Harry opened his eyes. Hermione was sitting on his bed, but Ron was nowhere to be found. Harry blinked. Nothing changed. "Nothing." He mumbled, propping himself up on his elbows,"Bad dream."

"What was it about?" Hermione handed Harry his glasses.

"It...nothing important. It wasn' the other night." Harry didn't want to tell her the truth, which was strange because that was what he always seemed to want to do.

"Harry." She took his hand gently and squeezed it,"Are you okay?"

Harry lied,"Yep. I'm fine. Perfectly, wonderfully, fine. Yep."

For what it was worth, Hermione didn't look like she believed him at all,"Okay." She said slowly, standing up and making for the door,"If you need anything - anything at all - just come and ask me, all right?"

"All right." Harry repeated, forgetting to ask what Hermione had been doing in his room whilst he was asleep.

"Happy Christmas, Harry." Hermione whispered as she left the room.

Flopping back down onto his back, Harry let his thoughts run wild again. Where had that dream come from? What did it mean? Should he have told Hermione? Probably, he thought to himself. The pair had only been at Grimmauld Place for a couple of days, but Harry was really missing Hogwarts already. He had wanted to stay. He didn't understand why he had had to leave, but Dumbledore wasn't a good person to argue with at the best of times, let alone in the middle of the night.

A little while later, Ron came charging into the room and asked,"Mate, are you going to get up at all today? It's Christmas and Dad's back and we're all waiting for you." When Harry showed no signs of wanting to leave his bed, Ron added,"You have to come. Hermione seems really down about one thing or another. No one can get her to smile. You're good at that, she likes you. Me, on the other hand..." Ron snorted mirthfully,"Merlin, I should really try and be nicer to her. We'd be dead if she didn't keep on saving our lives, eh?" He said with a huge smile and hopped gleefully out of the room.

Reluctantly, Harry got up and pulled some clothes on to go downstairs in. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, however, he bumped into-

"Sirius." Harry grinned broadly at his godfather.

"Harry." Sirius hugged him tightly,"Glad to see you're joining us. Merry Christmas."

"And to you."

"Let's go and get some breakfast, shall we?" Sirius began leading Harry into the kitchen, but Harry stopped him.

"Uh...Sirius, you do realise it's one o'clock in the afternoon, don't you?" Harry asked.

Sirius had simply shrugged and gone into the kitchen anyway.

Harry was in extremely low spirits for the rest of the afternoon. It was only when the sun had set and Hermione had dragged him back up to his room that Harry finally felt a wave of warmth soar through him. Catching Hermione completely off guard, Harry put his arms around her and hugged her, not wanting to let go.

"Harry," she began, regaining her balance before she could fall,"what's wrong? You haven't been yourself all day. You only smiled when Arthur came back, and even that didn't seem genuine." Harry didn't answer. "Is this about the dream you had earlier?" She asked softly, prising Harry off of her and setting him down gently onto his bed.

It Could Have Gone That Way; A Harmione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now