Chapter 63: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

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Try as he might, Harry couldn't sleep that night. There was a huge, idiotic grin on his face that he couldn't wipe off. Nothing changed in the morning. Whilst everyone was eating breakfast, Harry's grin wouldn't go away. He just stared at his toast stupidly. A few times - when he was spoken to - he would glance up at Hermione across the table. It was plain to see that she was fighting a smile, too, but was being rather a lot more successful at it than Harry.

After breakfast, when everyone else had gone upstairs, Harry walked over to Hermione. "How do I stop smiling?" He asked her.

"Like this." Hermione pulled Harry towards her and kissed him again.

It felt so much better than it had the previous night, but Harry wasn't sure he could ever get used to the feeling. He eventually deemed that a good thing.

Once Hermione broke away, she hurried upstairs to get dressed without another word.

The rest of the holiday went by very quickly. Harry and Hermione were now 'officially dating', a matter which Ron quickly got over, but Ginny did not. Luckily for Harry, however, Ron wound up taking his side against Ginny, repeatedly telling her Harry didn't really matter because she already had a boyfriend.

On the day they were due to go back to Hogwarts, however, something out-of-the-ordinary happened; Lupin took Harry's arm and pulled him into the living room.

"Harry," Remus placed a hand on Harry's shoulder,"I want you to make sure you take good care of Hermione, do you hear me? Treat her well; treat her like your dad treated your mum."

Taken aback, Harry nodded,"I will. I promise."

"Don't hurt her-"

"I would never."

"Don't forget her-"

"I could never."

"Don't take her for granted-"

"How could I possibly take someone like her for granted?" Harry asked.

Lupin ruffled Harry's hair,"Good lad. You're lucky to have her, you know." Harry nodded,"And she's lucky to have you."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"You should be." Remus said quite sharply,"Now, go on, you've got school to go back to."

"Bye." Harry hugged his old professor gratefully.

Lupin hugged him back,"Stay safe, Harry."

"I'll try." Harry wandered back into the kitchen and gathered around the fireplace with everyone else, reading to step inside it.

"Oh, Harry." Mrs. Weasley scurried up to him and cupped his face in her hands,"Promise me you'll look after yourself...stay out of trouble..."

Harry grinned,"I always do, Mrs. Weasley. I like a quiet life, you know me."

Molly tittered in reply as Ginny  entered the fireplace. Ron, Harry and Hermione followed her in and came out in Professor McGonagall's office. She greeted them all with her usual air impatience.

The second Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione entered the common room, their ears were filled with a cry of,"Won-Won!" as Lavender flung her arms around Ron's shoulders and began snogging him in front of everyone.

"Lav-Lav," Ron murmured through their kisses,"I missed you."

Ginny walked straight over to Dean and kissed him quickly before running up to her dorm. Harry and Hermione shared an uncomfortable glance before they parted ways and went up to their respective dorms.

It Could Have Gone That Way; A Harmione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now