Chapter 37: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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Just as Lupin handed the trio back their wands, Professor Snape burst through the door.

"Aha!" He said maliciously,"I found you."

Sirius suddenly looked quite nervous,"Severus...fancy meeting you here."

"Fancy?" Snape examined the room,"I see that twelve years in prison has lowered your expectations of just how 'fancy' a room could be, Sirius."

As Sirius lurched forwards, Snape pointed his wand straight between his eyes. He whispered,"Give me a reason. Give me a reason and I will do it."

"You don't need a reason, you slimy little-"

"Sirius..." Lupin said warningly.

Black wrinkled his nose,"All right, all right. Just...hear us out, Snivellus."

Snape looked as though he had been shot,"How dare you? How dare you speak to me like that?"

"Professor Snape..." Hermione took an uncertain step forwards,"it-it wouldn't hurt to hear what they've got to say, w-would it?"

"Miss Granger, you are already facing suspension from this school. You, Potter and Weasley are out-of-bounds in the company of a convicted murderer and a werewolf. For once in your life, hold your tongue!"

Hermione was persistent,"But, if-if there was a mistake-"

"KEEP QUIET, YOU STUPID GIRL!" Snape shouted, looking suddenly quite deranged,"DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!"

The few sparks that shot out of the end of Snape's wand, which was still pointing at Sirius' face, were enough to make Hermione fall silent.

"Severus," Lupin too looked suddenly fearful,"please. You must listen. We can explain."

"You don't have to explain anything." Snape brushed him off,"Don't make me fetch a muzzle." Lupin hung his head. Sirius looked as though he could have murdered Snape on the spot, which was, it seemed, exactly how Harry and Hermione both felt as well.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" Harry yelled.

Hermione cried,"STUPEFY!" at the same time.

Snape's wand shot out of his hand and clattered to the floor as he was propelled backwards onto the bed.

"Oh no!" Hermione moaned,"Oh no, we've attacked a teacher, Harry! That-that's not...we can't do that!"

"That," Lupin agreed,"was not a very good idea."

"Never mind that!" Sirius roared,"Let's kill him!"

Shaking his head, Lupin sighed,"All right. On the count of three, we make him reveal himself. One - two - THREE!"

And then, stood before them, was Peter Pettigrew.


Pettigrew's face paled as Sirius and Lupin pulled out their wands. He whimpered,"No...have mercy! We were friends! Remember?"

"Yeah, we do." Sirius said gruffly.

"Big mistake." Harry didn't think he had ever seen Lupin looking so furious.

Peter groaned. He made a sudden dash for the door, but Harry and Hermione were there in seconds. Shoulder-to-shoulder, the pair only just filled the gap. Crawling forwards, Pettigrew grabbed the hem of Hermione's jacket pleadingly,"Sweet girl...pretty, so won't let them..." he suddenly hugged her around the waist,"...please help me!"

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