Chapter 18: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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"Can you two think of a better way to spend your detention?" Lockhart mused, poring over his fan mail.

"No, Sir." Hermione lied.

"Not at all." Harry stole a quick glance at Hermione. They both bit their lips to stop themselves for bursting into fits of laughter. Harry spotted something silver on Hermione's right wrist and smiled bigger than he thought he knew how; Hermione was wearing his bracelet.

The rest of the tiring evening seemed to drag on and on. Nothing much happened. That was, however, up until Harry heard a noise. Not just any noise though. A voice.

"Come...come to me...Let me rip you...Let me tear you...Let me kill you..."

Harry gave a start, spotting Veronica Smethley's envelope with golden ink. He looked around him slowly, trying to find the source of the noise.

"Harry?" Hermione's concerned voice broke the anxious silence. Harry looked down to see that she was peering at him, a look of great concern spread across her face,"Are you alright?"

"Can't...can't you hear that? Those voices?"

Lockhart gave him a confused grin,"No." He continued with his writing.

Rolling his eyes, Harry opened his mouth to continue, but Hermione shook her head. She glanced warily at the busy professor and back at Harry. He understood her message, but was still unsatisfied.

"Those voices? You really can't hear them? The ones saying - didn't you hear anything?" He asked them, still puzzled.

Lockhart grimaced as he looked up,"Whatever are you talking about? You must be drowsy - great Scott! Rightly so, you've been here for almost four hours! Strange isn't it? How the time flies when one is having fun."

The pair nodded as they hurried from the room. They walked in silence until Harry was sure they were out of anyone's earshot.

"What was the voice saying, Harry?" Hermione asked frantically.

" said 'Come to me...Let me rip you...Let me tear you...Let me-' Ron!

Ron sped around the corner, panting and wiping his mouth on his sleeve. It was dark outside - though dinner was close to ending - but the trio were surrounded by lit torches, enabling Harry and Hermione to see the slime glistening on Ron's cuff.

"Had to buff up those bloody trophies fourteen times. Then I went and had another slug attack on some award for special services to the school. It was horrid. Filch was shouting at me to clean quicker, but now I think my arms are about to fall off. Anyway, I'm bloody starving, let's go get some-"

"Tell me you could hear them." Harry interrupted him.

"Hear what, mate?"

"Those voices."

"Nah." Ron shrugged,"Wait - voices?"

"Harry could hear voices during our detention." Hermione explained anxiously,"Threatening voices. They almost sounded as though they wanted to..." She trailed nervously off as Harry's eyes widened,"What?"

"I smell blood...Let me rip you...Let me kill you...Kill...Kill...Kill...Kill-"

"Harry!" Hermione grabbed his arm.

"The voice. It wants blood. It wants to-"

"It's time..."

"It's moving." Harry said,"I think it's going to kill."

"Kill?" Ron asked incredulously.

Harry sprinted down the corridor and after the sound. Ron and Hermione ran after him, struggling to keep up.

It Could Have Gone That Way; A Harmione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now