Chapter 6: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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"Having a last meal, Potter? When are you getting the train back to the Muggles?"

Harry and Ron had been eating dinner in the Great Hall when Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle had swaggered over to them.

"You're a lot braver now you're back on the ground and you've got your little bodyguards with you." Harry said coolly.

"I'd take you on any time on my own." Malfoy sneered,"Tonight, if you want. Wizards duel. Wands only - no contact. What's the matter? Never heard of a wizards duel before, I suppose?"

"Of course he has!" Ron spat,"I'm his second, who's yours?"

Malfoy looked around and started sizing Crabbe and Goyle up,"Crabbe. Midnight, alright? Meet you in the trophy room, that's always unlocked."

As the Slytherins strode off, Harry looked at Ron,"What's a wizards duel? And what do you mean, you're my second?"

"Well, a second's there to take over if you die." Ron said casually, helping himself to some more pie.


"Oh, people only die in real wizard duels. You and Malfoy will be able to shoot sparks at each other at best. Not exactly deadly, is it? And if that fails you can just throw down your wand and sock him on the nose-"

"Excuse me."

They both looked up. It was Hermione.

"Can't a person eat in peace in this place?" Ron whined.

Hermione ignored Ron and spoke to Harry,"I couldn't help overhearing what you and Malfoy were saying-"

"Bet you could." Ron muttered.

"-and you mustn't go wandering about after dark. You're lucky to have escaped any trouble the first time, but you can't just expect that to happen again. Besides, you know Malfoy. He's bound to have some sort of a trick up his sleeve. You could get seriously hurt, or even killed. The least that could happen is you'll lose loads of points for Gryffindor if you're caught - and you're bound to be. Filch will be looking out for anyone whose out of bed after hours. It's very risky of you-"

"And it's really none of your business." Ron said coolly,"Goodbye."

As Hermione sighed and walked off, Harry couldn't help but think that she was right. Malfoy must have some sort of plan, or he wouldn't have brought it up out of the blue like that.


"It's half past eleven. We'd better go."

"All right." Harry climbed out of his bed fully clothed.

"You ready?" Ron whispered, sliding out from under his covers, also in his day-clothes.

"I think so." Harry said uncertainly, pulling his jumper on over his t-shirt.

The boys crept downstairs and into the common room. They almost jumped out of their skins when the lamp flickered on seemingly of its own accord.

"I can't believe you're actually going to do this, Harry." Hermione was sitting on the chair closest to the portrait hole.

"You!" Ron whisper-shouted furiously,"Go back to bed!"

"No!" She turned to Harry and gave him a pleading look,"You can't, Harry, you'll get hurt or caught or killed or expelled or-"

"Dear Merlin, how can someone be so interfering?" Ron crossed his arms and glared at Hermione. She, unlike the boys, was wearing her pyjamas. Her arms were bare and she looked a little cold, but that did not stop her from persisting on.

It Could Have Gone That Way; A Harmione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now