Chapter 68: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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"Ron?" Harry knocked on the door of the attic room.

"C'min!" A muffled reply came from inside.

Harry pushed open the door to see Ron rummaging through his wardrobe. "What're you doing?" Harry asked.

"He's getting out some of his clothes." Hermione's voice made Harry jump; he had not seen her in the corner of the room due to the large piles of clothes that she had neatly constructed in front of her.

"Oh." Harry frowned,"Okay. On that note, have you seen my clothes? I couldn't find them in here so I went to look in the washing basket, but they weren't there-" Harry stopped. A second glance at the piles in front of Hermione had told him exactly where all of his clothes were. "Never mind, then." He added slowly.

Ron emerged from his wardrobe, pink in the face,"Here!" He dumped a large heap of clothes in front of Hermione.

"Thank you, Ronald." She said hotly, standing up,"Now, if you don't mind, it would be helpful if you folded them up neatly so that it will be easier for me to put them into my bag." Hermione made for the door,"Get a move on, I'm going to get the books."

"Books?" Harry said, but no one answered.

Ron slumped to the floor and mumbled something about unpaid labour as he began messily folding up his clothes and putting them into piles just next to Harry's.

"Oh, Harry, help me, will you?" Hermione moaned from the door.

Harry spun around to see her crouching down to fit the very tall tower of books that was in her hands through the doorframe. "Okay! still...let me just-"

"ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT?" Ron bellowed dropping a pair of his jeans in frustration.

"Right...right." Hermione said quickly,"Wingardium Leviosa!" The books floated out of her hands and stacked themselves neatly next to Ron. One of them whacked him around the head.

He jumped up and rubbed his head angrily,"Ow! What was that about?"

"Are you a wizard or not?" Hermione replied, sitting back down,"When I asked to you fold your clothes, I didn't mean by hand."

"Oh. Oh yeah." Ron went pink.

Harry - who, by this point, was almost crying with laughter - peered at the books and clothes and asked,"What are we doing with all this stuff, anyway?"

"I'm trying," Hermione picked up a book in each hand and looked between them,"to decide what to take with us when we're looking for the Horcruxes."

"Oh, of course," Ron said flatly, clapping a hand to his forehead,"I forgot we'll be hunting down You-Know-Who in a mobile library."

"Pass me my bag, would you, Harry?" Hermione ignored him,"The black beaded one." Harry did so. "Thanks."

"Listen," Harry said, face now straight and all signs of laughter gone,"I know you said, after Dumbledore's funeral, that you wanted to come with me-"

"Here he goes." Ron rolled his eyes.

"Listen!" Harry repeated.

"No, Harry, you listen." Hermione threw a book into her bag with such force that Harry was worried the bag may tear,"We're coming with you. That was decided months ago - years, really."

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