Chapter 80: Harry Potter and the 19 Years

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On the morning after the Battle of Hogwarts, it was needless to say that Harry Potter did not really feel like getting out of bed.

Grumbling, he rolled over to face the other beds in the room. They were empty. He was happy to be back in his dorm after so long, and Harry did not want to leave it again, but he knew there was a lot still to do, and a lot of people who wanted to talk to him. Despite this, Harry turned over and closed his eyes once more, slowly drifting back into peaceful, painless dreamland.

There was a knock at the door.

Harry groaned and put his glasses on. "C'min." He grumbled, sitting up.

The door opened slowly to reveal Hermione. She stepped into the room and closed the door quietly behind her. "Are you all right?"

Just seeing her face gave Harry the energy to climb out of his bed. He did so quickly. "Better now you're here, thanks." Harry told her truthfully.

As soon as he said it, she broke into a smile. And when Hermione smiled, something broke inside of Harry. Something always did. "Oh, Harry." Hermione's shoulders slackened as the corners of her lips trembled.

The pair began to move at the same time, taking small, guiltless steps towards each other, until they met with such a force that Harry fell backwards against the wall of the boys' dorm. Any pain in his shoulder blades subsided as quickly as it had come, for Hermione had her hands on his face and his neck and in his hair and nothing mattered to him in that moment other than her.

After a minute, Hermione pulled away, going a little pink. " actually came to get you for a reason." She told him,"Professor McGonagall's asked for us to be in the Great Hall by noon. She needs to talk to us - everyone who's still here, that is. Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville and I were waiting for you in the downstairs, but it's nearly time to go." Hermione grinned,"Besides, I was starting to feel a little lonely."

Harry was about to ask why she had been feeling lonely, but Hermione was already out of the door. He followed her down the stairs and his question was answered once he made it to the common room. Neville and Luna were on the largest sofa in the room, and Luna was lying with her head in Neville's lap, reading the latest issue of The Quibbler as Neville absent-mindedly stroked her hair. Ron and Ginny were both on one of the smaller sofas by the unlit fire - although it was only supposed to sit one person - and Ginny was perched on the chair's arm, her head resting on Ron's shoulder.

Harry reached out and took Hermione's hand. "Morning." He said.

"Hello, Harry."

"Good morning, Harry."

"Hi, Harry."

"Nice to see you finally up, mate." Ron smirked,"We heard a bang just after Hermione went upstairs that sounded like it came from our dorm. You both all right?"

"Very funny, Ron." Harry retorted, feeling his cheeks go red,"But, yes, we're fine, thanks for asking. Should we go down, then?"

"May as well." Ginny stood up with a sigh,"Everyone else is down there already."

A few minutes later, the clock had struck twelve and Harry and Hermione had taken their seats at one of the long tables opposite Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Bill, Charlie, Percy, George, Ron, and Ginny. Professor McGonagall moved to the front of the Great Hall to address the unsettled crowd that sat before her.

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