Chapter 15: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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"Lockhart?" Fred moaned.

"Not him!" George rolled his eyes.

The twins, Ron, Harry and Hermione had just entered Flourish and Blotts, Diagon Alley's book shop. A large banner hung just above their heads reading:

will be signing copies of his autobiography
today from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

"I'm not sure I trust him." Hermione raised an eyebrow,"Surely he can't have done everything he says he did. I mean, Year With the Yeti? And Travels With Trolls? I don't believe it."

"Oh, 'course you don't." Ron grunted quietly before walking over to Ginny and his parents.

Hermione picked up copies of Lockhart's books and peered suspiciously at the titles, trying to find something that could catch him out,"He's written almost our entire booklist this year. Don't you think that's a bit odd?"

"Mm..." Harry wasn't really listening,"Hermione? You know that...that thing that happened earlier? What d'you reckon-"

"There he is!" Mrs. Weasley swooned as a tall, blonde, chiselled man came into view, a dashingly white smile on his face.

Harry and Hermione moved over to where the Weasleys were standing. As they stopped, Ron shot Hermione a dark glare. Harry wasn't at all sure why and, if it weren't for the overly-flamboyant peacock that was strutting vainly towards the stage that had been set up especially for him, he would have asked them.

All of a sudden, Lockhart's dazzling blue eyes pierced Harry's face and the man practically shouted,"It can't be Harry Potter?" He rushed down the steps, grabbed Harry's arm tightly and pulled him up onto the stage. Lockhart squeezed Harry against his side and grinned at the cameras,"Smile, Harry!" He ordered through his pearly white teeth,"Together, you and I can make the front page."


The rest of the horrific ordeal had contained many more photographs, autographs and Harry being given Lockhart's entire book collection for free. As Harry clambered shakily down from the stage, Hermione hurried over to him.

"Are you all right? That was horrible!"

"I know..." Harry scratched his head. He looked over to the far corner of the bookshop. Ron and Mrs. Weasley were arguing in hushed tones. Glancing anxiously at Hermione, Harry began to walk over to them, with Hermione not far behind.

"...but Mum!"

"No! How many times do I have to say it? You can't get any more books; it's too expensive, what with all of the ones you need for school. Lockhart's series will tell you all you need to know and more! You don't need anything else."

"That's not fair! How come Ginny gets tons of new stuff?"

"Because it's Ginny's first year and she needs all of those things for school! You got all of that last year, Ronald, don't be so selfish!"

"Fine!" Ron stormed off huffily.

Hermione glanced at Harry, biting her lip. Harry nodded and the pair slowly approached Ron, who - by the looks of it - was ranting to Ginny about his argument with Mrs. Weasley.

"-and it's not fair at all!" He slammed his empty cauldron-basket against his leg angrily.

" all right, Ron?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"No! Mum won't let me-"

"I know - we heard. Here." Harry tipped his books into Ron's cauldron,"I'll buy my own."

It Could Have Gone That Way; A Harmione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now