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"Otis no." Patricia says. Hershel had told Rick and the others about needing some stuff in order to save Carl. They didn't know if it would actually work, but it was worth a try. Shane had offered to go and Otis wanted to come with.

"Honey, we don't have time for guesswork and I'm responsible. I ain't gonna sit here while  this fella takes this on alone." Otis says to Patricia, Patricia gives Otis a sad look. Still not wanting him to go.

Otis looks at Ember and sees that she looks scared for him, "I'll be alright." He says to Ember.

"Are you sure about this?" Shane asks Otis.

"Do you even know what any of the stuff he's talking about looks like?" Otis questions.

"Come to think, no."

"I've been a volunteer E.M.T, I do." Otis says to Shane, "We can talk about this till next Sunday or we could go do it real quick."

"I'll take right quick."

"I should thank you." Rick says to Otis.

"Wait till that boy of yours is up and around." Otis says to Rick, "Then we'll talk. I'll gather some things."

"Where is she, your wife?" Maggie asks.

"Maggie why can't I come?" Ember asks her oldest sister, Maggie was about to pick up Rick's wife, Lori Grimes.

"I got this, you just stay here with Beth and dad. I'll be right quick." Maggie says hugging her younger sister.

"Hiya." Ember sits next to Rick.

"Hey." He says giving the young girl a weak smile, "I never got your name."

"My name's Ember." She smiles at the older man.

"That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you but I was named after wood." Rick laughs at the young girl.

      After minutes of making Rick and Ember conversing, Ember decided that she'd go sit out on the porch Rick following behind her.

"This place is beautiful." Rick says to Ember.

"Been in the family 160 years." Ember says to Rick, Ember had learned a lot about the family when she was adopted.

"You know that?" Rick asks.

"Yeah, when I was adopted daddy told me a lot of stuff about the family."

Rick's expression changes once the eleven year old girl says that, the way Ember said it like it meant nothing to her. A lot of kids her age couldn't really understand the situation they are put in when they are adopted and from what it looks like Ember understood clearly and just didn't care.

"How old were you?" Rick asks.

"I was five. Like most kids I didn't really trust them right away, it took me months. But after I felt like I really belonged, I started to trust them." Ember smiles at Rick.

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