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EMBER WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING AGGRESSIVE, it was one of her new traits she has gotten after the farm. Ember didn't mind having the new found trait, it was the others that worried for the young girl. Ember was still very much awkward and very much weird, but she also had picked up a lot of new traits.

Ember waits for Rick to open the gates so he can clear the prison.

"Ready?" Hershel asks, Rick quickly opens the gate, him, Maggie, Daryl, T-Dog, and Glenn rush out to kill every walker they saw.

"Hey! Over here!" Ember yells at the walkers, "Come over here you bastards!"

"I can't see them? Can you see them?" Lori asks worried.

"Back there?" Carol responds.

"Don't worry, Lori. They'll be okay." Ember tries to calm Lori down.

"What do you think?" Rick asks the rest of the group, when they all walk in the cellblock.

"Home sweet home." Ember jokes.

"For the time being."

"It's secure?" Lori questions.

"This cellblock is."

"What about the rest of the prison?" Hershel questions.

"In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria and imfirmary."

"We sleep in the cells?" Beth asks.

"I found keys on some guards. Daryl has a set, too."

"I ain't sleeping in to cage. I'll take the perch.

Ember notices Carl following her to the cell she picked, "Pretty gross." She says, referring to the cell.

"Yeah, remember the storage units." Ember laughs.

Ember sits on the bed, feeling it around. "It's actually comfortable. Check it out."

Ember snorts when her father walks in and scares Carl, "You find your cell yet?"

"Yeah, I was just making sure Ember was safe."

"No. Carl and I were actually gonna bunk together, daddy." Ember smiles at her father.

"I don't know how I feel about that."

"Dad, Carl is staying with me and there
is nothing you can do about it." Ember gives Hershel a confident look.

"Okay." Hershel puts his hands up in defeat, his little girl was growing up and he wasn't sure if he liked that.

Ember chuckles when Carl puts the police helmet over his head, it was way too big for him.

"You won't need that." Rick takes the helmet from Carl, "I need you to stay put."

"Your kidding?"

"We don't know what's in there. Something goes wrong, you could be the last man standing. I need you to handle things around here."

"Sure." Carl nods.

"Great. Let's go."

Ember picks up a cracked piece of glass she finds on the ground. "Ugh." She mutters when she sees herself.

Carl comes from behind Ember. Almost scaring her. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"I never noticed how messed up I looked, since the farm" Ember laughs.

Carl nods his head, disagreeing. "I think your beautiful."

Ember controls herself from making a weird noise, she had never been called beautiful by a boy other than her father. When Ember can't think of anything to say. She puts a thumbs up smiling.

Carl smiles, "Your weird."

And that's a wrap!!!! Second chapter of season three done! Next chapter will be episode two!!

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