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"Don't look. Don't look." Daryl says, the man tries to help Carol up. But the woman pulls herself away from him and walks away.

Ember finally gets up from the ground and rushes to her mother.

The brunette carefully pulls the walker on top of Annette off and then turns her dead mother on her back.

Ember's screams fill the farm when her mother yanks her hair, trying to eat her. Everyone immediately tries to pry the walker off of Ember.

"Come on!" Shane yells.

"Pull her away!"

Ember Greene's body goes numb when Andrea stabs her mother.

"We've been out. We've been combing through these woods looking for her and she was in there all along? You knew." Shane yells at the Greene family.

"Leave us alone." Maggie says.

"Hey, Shane just stop, man."

"Get your hands of me." Shane pulls away from his best friend, "You knew and you kept it from us." Shane continues to verbally abuse the Greene family.

"I didn't know." Hershel says.

"That's bullshit. I think y'all knew."

"We didn't know!" Maggie yells.

"Why was she there!?"

"Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed." Hershel tries to reason.

"You expect me to believe that? Do I look like an idiot?" Shane tries getting closer to Hershel.

"Shane, hey hey hey." Rick tries to calm his friend down.

"I don't care what you believe." Hershel yells.

"Everybody just calm down." Rick says.

"Get him off my land!"

"Please. No." Rick begs.

"Let me tell you something." Maggie interrupts Shane when she slaps him in the face, thank god.

"Don't touch him! Haven't you done enough?

Ember sits in her room and she stares at the wall, she doesn't cry, she doesn't do anything. She just stares at the ceiling.


"What do you want, Carl?" Ember asks the boy.

"I just wanted to check on you." Ember looks at the blue eyed boy and for the first time since this morning she smiles, it warmed her heart that he cared about her enough to want to make sure she was okay.

"Thank you, Carl." Ember gets up from sitting on her bed and she hugs him, "Come on let's get some rest."

"What happened to her?" Ember asks Maggie, referring to her sister Beth.

"She might be in shock. Where's Hershel." Lori says.

"We can't find him anywhere." Glenn answers Lori.

Ember gets worried when Lori runs out the room.

"Oh no."

"Your stepmother's things?" Rick asks.

"He was so sure she'd recover. They'd just pick up where they left off." Ember says.

"Looks like he found an old friend." Shane throws the flask to Rick.

"That belonged to my grandfather. Gave it to dad when he died." Ember looks at Maggie confused, she thought Hershel wasn't a drinker.

"I didn't take Hershel for a drinker." Rick tells Maggie.

"No, he gave it up on the day i was born. He didn't even allow liquor in the house." Maggie states.

"What's the bar in town?" Rick asks.

"Hatlin's. He practically lived there in his drinking days."

"Betting that's where I'll find him." Rick says.

"Yeah, I've seen the place. I'll take you." Ember feels the need to jump in when Glenn says he'll go, maybe it was the fact that even though the girl hasn't known him that long she happens to like him very much and feels the need to try to protect him or maybe it was the fact that he was her sister's boyfriend and she loved seeing her sister happy, even if Ember herself was broken.

"Alright I'll get the truck."

"N-- no." Maggie says.

"It's an easy run." Glenn tries to reason.

"Like the pharmacy?"

"Hey, Maggie? I'll bring him back." Rick chuckles.

Ember walks out of the room to see Rick and Lori having a conversation.

"Carl said he would've shot Sophia himself. That's your son he's getting cold. He's growing up in a world with-- he's growing up in a world where he needs a father like you-- around, alive, not running off solving everybody else's problems." Lori says.

"It's not just his problem I'm trying to solve. We need Hershel for the baby. I'm going after him." Rick rushes off, leaving Lori alone.

Ember walks out from the corner.

"You heard that?" Lori questions.

"Yeah. I would've done it too." Ember says.


"If i had known Sophia myself, I would've shot her myself." Ember says walking off.

Ember was oblivious to shocking Lori with what she said, Lori and Ember haven't know each other long enough, but that doesn't stop the older woman from caring about Ember Greene.

Another chapter! Yay! We're almost done with season two guys!!

How do you guys feel about Ember saying what she said to Lori??


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