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IT WAS NO SECRET THAT EMBER GREENE WAS CHANGING, not just physically, but mentally. It had just been a couple of months when she met Rick's group and now here she is, Ember was truly grateful that she met Rick and his group.

Ember sighs, she hasn't slept good since the farm. Ember walks out of her and Carl's cell and walks towards the blue eyed boy.

"You've been standing there since they left." Ember laughs.

"I have to make sure everything is okay." Carl looks at Ember, noticing that she managed to get some of the dirt off her face.

Ember frowns, she had this gut feeling that something went wrong, "Something happened."


"Something happened. I know it." Carl grabs Ember's hand, attempting to calm her down.

Just as Ember calms down a little bit, she hears yells. "Open the door! It's Hershel."

Everyone immediately runs to the gate, Carl quickly opening it. Ember covers her mouth when she sees her father being rushed in.

"Daddy!" Beth screams.

Ember follows behind everyone as they push Hershel to a cell. "He got bit." Daryl says.

"Oh my god, he's gonna turn." Beth cries.

"Did you cut it off?" Ember asks Rick.


"Maybe you got it in time." Ember nods, agreeing with Lori.

Everyone counts to three, lifting an unconscious Hershel up putting him on the bed.

"I need bandages." Carol says.

"We used everything we had." Glenn panics.

"Well, get more. Anything." Carol commands.

"Carl, go get the towels from the back, right next to my bed." Lori orders her son.

"Is he gonna die?" Beth asks Lori.

"No. He's gonna be okay." Lori comforts Beth.

"You think you can stabilize him?" Rick questions Carol.

"I need to keep his leg elevated. Get some pillows!" Carol yells.

"He's already bled through the sheets." Maggie states.

"We can burn the wood to clot the blood. I can start a fire."

"No, the shock could kill him. It's not gonna stop the arteries from bleeding. We need to keep it dressed and let it heal on its own.

Ember looks up from her father when she hears yelling. "What is going on?" Ember aks Rick.

"Prisoners, survivors. It's alright. Everybody stay put."

"It has to stop eventually, right?" Ember sighs, listening to Carol and Lori's conversation, she wanted so badly for this to just be a bad nightmare, but then again nightmares do come true these days.

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