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THE NEXT day was hard. Nobody had heard from Rick, Carl wouldn't even eat, and Ember, Ember was in denial. Ember didn't believe that Lori Grimes was dead, Ember didn't believe that there was nothing she could've done to keep Lori alive, Ember didn't believe that she couldn't save Lori Grimes, because in her mind the woman was still alive.

"Everbody okay?" Ember looks up once she hears Rick's voice.

"Yeah, we are."

"What about you?" Hershel asks.

Rick ignores Hershel's question. "I cleared out the boiler room."

"How many were there?" Daryl questions.

"I don't know. A dozen, two dozen."

"I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl."

"Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies." Glenn stands up. "You don't have to."

"No, I do."

Carl Grimes looks at the girl next to him. He watches as Ember stares blankly at the ceiling.

"Ember." Carl whispers, not wanting Beth or Hershel to hear him.

Ember ignores Carl, turning her head away so she doesn't see the pained expression on the boy's face.

Carl sighs, "Ember, I lost my mom. I can't lose you."

Ember looks at Carl but looks away when she hears a cell open, Rick comes walking in glaring at both Ember and Carl.

Ember let's out a small smile when Rick holds his baby girl.

Ember walks next to Carl smiling.

"She looks like you." Rick says to his son. "Don't you think Ember?"

"Yeah." The young girl nods.

Ember Greene when she sees Rick gaze up and make a confused face. "Hey, just-- you got her?"

"Yeah." Rick hands his daughter to Carl, walking away.

Ember and Carl smile each other.



"You're not gonna lose me."

Hey! Sorry this chapter is soo short. The next one should be longer, michonne is introduced, she's my favorite character and I love her.

I skipped episode 5 by the way.

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